3D Root Cartography of Molecular-Microbe Interactions
EMSL Project ID
We intend to develop a pipeline for simultaneous 3D spatial imaging of metabolites and microorganisms on plant roots, generating a molecular and microbial 3D-cartography of the root system. By mapping and overlapping distinct metabolic and microbial signatures, we aim to resolve molecular plant-microbe interactions in a 3-dimensional space (Fig. 1). Specifically, we will establish a 3D cartography of metabolite-microbe interactions on roots of the annual C4 grass Setaria in the presence of the soil microbiome from our established local field site at Prosser, WA, where we have ongoing plant and soil microbiome experiments. The aim for FY19 is to work out technical protocols and demonstrate the 3D-root cartography approach using Setaria, with or without the native soil microbiome, while in FY20 we will be focusing on root interactions with specific keystone species and plant-growth promoting members of the microbiome.
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