Novel Interactomics Workflow for Protein-Protein and Protein-Lipid Interactions
EMSL Project ID
Macromolecular assemblies in cell membrane and organelles are compositionally and structurally complex and their identification and characterization represent a major barrier to understanding biomolecular pathways. Our objective is to develop a high throughput "interactomics" workflow to rapidly identify and characterize the protein and lipid interactions in native macromolecular assemblies fractionated from whole cell lysates. Ultimately, this new capability will allow for rapid structural mapping of newly discovered macromolecular assemblies so that we can better understand their biological functions. To achieve this we will integrate proteomics, lipidomics, native mass spectrometry, and chemical cross-linking to obtain details of the molecular framework of the native complexes that drive their function. We will demonstrate the power of this technique in two model plants, Arabidopsis (dicot, C3) and Setaria (monocot, C4) that well represent important plant species for bioenergy research.
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