A streamlined platform for phosphoproteome mapping of human tissues
EMSL Project ID
Recent technological advances in genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics allow for rapid generation of comprehensive 3D-human tissue maps for biomolecules DNAs, RNAs, and proteins at the single-cell resolution in the HuBMAP consortium. However, single-cell technologies for characterizing functional modifications are lagging far behind but equally important as these existing omics technologies. Protein phosphorylation is one of the most important modifications and often used as an indicator of signaling pathway activation (cell functional state). The lack of high-spatial-resolution phosphoproteomic characterization of human tissues in the HuBMAP consortium represents a significant knowledge gap for achieving a more complete understanding of how tissue heterogeneity impacts human health. The objective of this TTD application is to address this gap by developing a convenient streamlined platform for enabling automated high-resolution 3D-phosphoproteome mapping of human tissues. In the UG3 phase, Aim 1 will focus on the development of a streamlined platform for precise quantification of ~1,000 phosphosites in 10 cells with >300 samples per day. Aim 2 will demonstrate the streamlined platform for enabling 2D-phosphoproteome mapping of mouse uterine tissues when combined with laser capture microdissection (LCM) and standard tube-based voxel collection. In the UH3 phase (Aim 3) we will further optimize the streamlined platform for automated robust phosphoproteomic analysis of LCM-dissected human tissue sections. We then will validate the streamlined platform for high-resolution 3D-phosphoproteome mapping of human breast and uterine tissues and other human tissues from the HuBMAP consortium.
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