Nanopore Platforms for Protein Analysis
EMSL Project ID
Nanopore-based protein sensing has the potential to revolutionize the field of proteomics by providing single-molecule protein sequencing at amino acid level resolution. However, even if nanopore-based proteomics were currently capable of de novo protein sequencing, a protein’s amino acid sequence alone cannot inform other important aspects about the proteome such as protein function, abundance, or post-translational modifications. Protein function, specifically, is a critical component to consider because protein function largely determines phenotype. There is currently a need for a high-throughput protein functional assay that could reduce the bottlenecks and inaccuracy in genome annotation to enable more accurate genome to phenotype predictions. We propose to integrate activity-based probes (ABPs) with a nanopore-based sequencing platform to directly detect both protein binding and function. Furthermore, we will develop a strategy that uses reporter oligonucleotides to barcode each ABP, allowing us to detect many protein functions simultaneously, a significant improvement in throughput over conventional ABP protein function assays. By using a nanopore platform to create this functional assay, we anticipate that this proposed work could integrate with nanopore-based native protein sequencing once it becomes available to enable the direct correlation between protein sequence and function.
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