Proteomic study of Transthyretin Protein
EMSL Project ID
The project will establish a scientific partnership between the cardiomyopathy section at OHSU and mass spectrometry facility at PNNL which leverages the strengths of OHSU Cardiomyopathy center (large cohort of well phenotyped and genotyped patients, prospective biobanking) and the strengths of PNNL (expertise in proteomics and bioinformatics). We will demonstrate feasibility of routine global top-down proteomic workflow for clinical studies focusing on transthyretin amyloidosis and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, with the goals of understanding the effect of transthyretin stabilization and silencing, and the effect of pressure unloading and cardiac myosin inhibition on hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. At PNNL, we will perform quantitative proteomic analysis on samples derived from plasma, urine, and myocardial tissue using standard LCMS protocols and instrumentation.
Project Details
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Principal Investigator
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