Identification and Validation of Protein Profiles Associated with Therapy-Resistance in Breast Cancer
EMSL Project ID
Successful treatment of breast cancer is hampered by the occurrence of drug resistance in approximately 50% of patients with advanced recurrent disease. The ultimate goal of proposed work is to discover and unravel functional pathways that lead to clinical resistance to both hormone and chemotherapy by identifying responsible key proteins. These pathways may be targets for newly designed drugs and may lead to individual treatment strategies for patients with (advanced) breast cancer. We propose to exploit nanoLC-FTICR mass spectrometry in conjunction with the Accurate Mass and Time (AMT) tag strategy developed at EMSL [1, 2] to identify these responsible key proteins from laser microdissected tumor samples. This approach has demonstrated, in a previous collaboration with EMSL, sensitivity and throughput needed for in-depth analysis of clinical samples.
Project Details
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Large-Scale EMSL Research
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Related Publications
A. Umar, H. Kang, A.M. Timmermans, M.P. Look, M.E. Meijer-van Gelder, N. Jaitly, M. Den Bakker, J.W.M. Martens, T.M. Luider, J.A. Foekens, L. Pasa-Tolić. Identification of a putative protein-profile associating with tamoxifen therapy-resistance in breast cancer. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, 8 (6):1278-1294 (2009)
proteomics technical brief