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ATM, ISO and other standard and metrology measurements for surface analysis

EMSL Project ID


This activity involves extended that state of the art in surface analysis by expanding the understanding of equipment capability, testing new approaches to instrument calibration and operation, and understanding the limitations of measurement methods. Activities include measurements of electron and x-ray photon damage, developing methods control charge in XPS and AES, understanding impacts and details of probe measurements.

Project Details

Project type
Exploratory Research
Start Date
End Date


Principal Investigator

Donald Baer
Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory

Team Members

Robert Wallace
University of Texas at Dallas

Alex Punnoose
Boise State University

David Castner
University of Washington

Related Publications

Baer DR. 2011. "Summary of ISO/TC 201 Standard: ISO 29081: 2010, Surface Chemical Analysis - Auger Electron Spectroscopy - Reporting of Methods Used for Charge Control and Charge Correction." Surface and Interface Analysis 43(11):1444-1447. doi:10.1002/sia.3724
Baer DR. 2011. "Summary of ISO/TC 201 Standard: ISO 29081: 2010, Surface Chemical Analysis - Auger Electron Spectroscopy - Reporting of Methods Used for Charge Control and Charge Correction." Surface and Interface Analysis 43(11):1444-1447. doi:10.1002/sia.3724
Baer DR. 2011. "Surface Characterization of Nanoparticles: Critical Needs and Significant Challenges." Journal of Surface Analysis 17(3):163-169.
Baer D.R. 2018. "The Chameleon Effect: characterization challenges due to the variability of nanoparticles and their surfaces." Frontiers in Chemistry 6. PNNL-SA-131780. doi:10.3389/fchem.2018.00145
Baer D.R. 2020. "Guide to Making XPS Measurements on Nanoparticles." Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A--Vacuum, Surfaces and Films 38, no. 3:Article No. 031201. PNNL-SA-149921. doi:10.1116/1.5141419
Baer D.R., and A.G. Shard. 2020. "Role of consistent terminology in XPS reproducibility." Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A--Vacuum, Surfaces and Films 38, no. 3:031203. PNNL-SA-150698. doi:10.1116/6.0000016
Baer DR, and MH Engelhard. 2010. "XPS Analysis of Nanostructured Materials and Biological Surfaces." Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 178-179:415-432. doi:10.1016/j.elspec.2009.09.003
Baer D.R., A.S. Karakoti, C.A. Clifford, C. Minelli, and W.E. Unger. 2018. "Importance of sample preparation on reliable surface characterisation of nano-objects: ISO Standard 20579-4." Surface and Interface Analysis 50, no. 9:902-906. PNNL-SA-135106. doi:10.1002/sia.6490
Baer DR, AS Lea, J Geller, JS Hammond, L Kover, CJ Powell, MP Seah, M Suzuki, JW Watts, and J Wolstenholme. 2010. "Approaches to analyzing insulators with Auger Electron Spectroscopy: Update and Overview." Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena 176(1-3, SP ISS):80-94.
Baer DR, DJ Gaspar, P Nachimuthu, SD Techane, and DG Castner. 2010. "Application of Surface Chemical Analysis Tools for Characterization of Nanoparticles." Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 396(3):983-1002. doi: 10.1007/s00216-009-3360-1
Baer D.R., K. Artyushkova, H. Cohen, C.D. Easton, M.H. Engelhard, T.R. Gengenbach, and G. Greczynski, et al. 2020. "XPS Guide: Charge neutralization and binding energy referencing for insulating samples." Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A--Vacuum, Surfaces and Films 38, no. 3:031204. PNNL-SA-151014. doi:10.1116/6.0000057
Baer DR, MH Engelhard, AS Lea, and LV Saraf. 2005. "Simple Method for Estimating and Comparing of X-Ray Damage Rates." Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A--Vacuum, Surfaces and Films 23(6):1740-1744.
Baer DR, MH Engelhard, AS Lea, P Nachimuthu, T Droubay, J Kim, B Lee, C Mathews, RL Opila, LV Saraf, WF Stickle, R Wallace, and BS Wright. 2010. "Comparison of the Sputter Rates of Oxide Films Relative to the Sputter Rate of SiO2." Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A--Vacuum, Surfaces and Films 28(5):1060-1072. doi:10.1116/1.3456123
Baer DR, P Munusamy, and BD Thrall. 2016. "Provenance information as a tool for addressing engineered nanoparticle reproducibility challenges." Biointerphases 11(4):Article No. 04B401. doi:10.1116/1.4964867
Improving surface-analysis methods for characterization of advanced materials by development of standards, reference data, and interlaboratory comparisons†
Summary of ISO/TC 201 standard: XVIII, ISO 19318:2004—surface chemical analysis—X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy—Reporting of methods used for charge control and charge correction
Summary: Update to ASTM guide E 1523 to charge control and charge referencing techniques in x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
Techane SD, DR Baer, and DG Castner. 2011. "Simulation and Modeling of Self-Assembled Monolayers of Carboxylic Acid Thiols on Flat and Nanoparticle Gold Surfaces." Analytical Chemistry 83(17):6704-6712. doi:10.1021/ac201175a
Techane SD, DR Baer, and DG Castner. 2011. "Simulation and Modeling of Self-Assembled Monolayers of Carboxylic Acid Thiols on Flat and Nanoparticle Gold Surfaces." Analytical Chemistry. doi:DOI: 10.1021/ac201175a