Nanospray Desorption Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry
Nanospray Desorption Electrospray Ionization (nano-DESI), a type of sample source for mass spectrometry, provides an ambient approach to chemical imaging and analysis for environmental research. Nano-DESI is amenable to tandem mass spectrometry, enabling increased qualitative confidence in molecular level observations for both imaging and atmospheric particle characterization applications.
The nano-DESI analytical platform allows in-depth molecular characterization of very small samples of organic materials (down to 10 ng) while maintaining high sensitivity and high mass resolution. Samples are analyzed without any sample preparation, preserving the original integrity of the sample itself. Nano-DESI can be coupled to a number of different mass spectrometers housed in EMSL.
Researchers can use nano-DESI for a variety of environmental research projects that are relevant to atmospheric aerosol chemistry, aquatic and soil chemistry, and mass spectrometry imaging of biological samples. Nano-DESI can also be coupled with EMSL’s 21 Telsa Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance (FTICR).
Research application
- Supporting the Biomolecular Pathways Integrated Research Platform, nano-DESI provides accurate, spatial profiling and quantification of biological samples.
- Supporting the Cell Signaling and Communication Integrated Research Platform, nano-DESI provides high-resolution imaging and multi-omic measurements that help researchers untangle the mechanisms by which cells communicate and exchange chemical signals. Supporting the Cell Signaling and Communication Integrated Research Platform, nano-DESI provides high-resolution imaging and multi-omic measurements that help researchers untangle the mechanisms by which cells communicate and exchange chemical signals.
- Supporting the Terrestrial-Atmospheric Processes Integrated Research Platform, nanoDESI provides molecular level characterization of organic aerosols and high-resolution chemical information about biological particles, secondary organic aerosols, and soil organic matter. Additionally, nano-DESI supports chemical imaging for EMSL’s TerraForms pore-scale micromodels, RhizoChip, and other microfluidics technologies.
Tips for success
- In order to use nano-DESI, a researcher must book the Orbitrap mass spectrometer or FTICR instrument.
Samples collected on hydrophobic surfaces are ideal for data collection and analysis.