Sum Frequency and Second Harmonic Generation Spectrometry
The customized Sum Frequency/Second Harmonic Generation spectrometer for surface vibrational spectroscopy incorporates unique polarization, azimuthal angle, incident angle, and both gas and fluid real-time flow control. It enables versatile measurement of the surface vibrational spectroscopy of various molecular interfaces with sub-monolayer sensitivity. The spectrometer offers efficient measurement in different polarization combinations and experimental configurations (or incident angles), allowing quantitative polarization analysis while accommodating gas-liquid, liquid-liquid, liquid-solid, gas-solid, and solid-solid interfaces. For solid samples, a heating stage is available to perform measurement at sample temperature up to 400°C.
In addition to measurement assistance, EMSL staff can provide expertise in accurate quantitative analysis of the Sum Frequency/Second Harmonic Generation spectrometer spectra.
Research application
- The Sum Frequency/Second Harmonic Generation spectrometer supports the Terrestrial-Atmospheric Processes Integrated Research Platform by helping to quantify key biogeochemical fluxes between critical zone, aquatic, atmospheric, and deep subsurface boundaries. By utilizing the spectrometer to analyze a range of spatial scales, we can uncover the mechanistic drivers and controls of pertinent environmental fluxes.
- The Biogeochemical Transformations Integrated Research Platform assists researchers in answering fundamental questions about chemical, physical, hydrologic, microbial, and atmospheric interactions that affect the transformation and mobility of critical nutrients, contaminants, aerosols, particles, and compounds within the environment. The Sum Frequency/Second Harmonic Generation spectrometer provides information on a wealth of molecular details, including vibration spectral signature, orientation/conformation, and chiral surface spectra.
Available resources
- EKSPLA laser-based scanning vibrational sum frequency spectroscopy system. IR tunability: ~700–4200 cm-1; visibility: 532 nm or 1064 nm; pulse width: ~30 ps; spectral resolution: < 6 cm-1
- Coherent Legend Elite Duo HE+ -based broadband vibrational sum frequency spectroscopy system. IR tunability: 1000–4200 cm-1; visibility: 800 nm; pulse width: ~34 fs; spectral resolution: < 1 cm-1
Tips for success
- Both systems operate in specular reflection geometry, so flat samples are required.