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Mary Lipton
Biomolecular Pathways IRP Leader

Dr. Mary Lipton is a chemist with the Biomolecular Pathways team, an adjunct professor at Washington State University (WSU) Tri-Cities in Richland, and an adjunct professor for the Institute for Biological Chemistry at WSU in Pullman, Washington. She is internationally recognized for her research in the omics-based characterization of natural systems including microbes, microbial communities, plants, algae, fungi, and complete ecosystems. Her focus is specifically on the development and application new mass spectrometry-based technologies for the characterization of natural systems and ecosystems. An emerging area of interest is the use of stable isotope labels to track nutrient flux through biological systems and the tracing of respiration and metabolism in real time.

Research Interests

  • Application of mass spectrometry-based omics analyses to the characterization of environmental systems
  • Using stable isotope labels to track carbon, nitrogen, and other nutrients through plant, microbial, and natural ecosystems
  • Tracing metabolism and respiration of soils, plants, and microbial communities in real time by the development of highly temporally resolved experimentation that allow for the delineation of metabolic processes on the seconds to minute time frames


  • Postdoc, PNNL, 1993 – 96
  • PhD in Biochemistry, University of South Carolina, 1993
  • BS in Chemistry, Juniata College, 1988

Awards and Recognition

  • (h-index of 40 from >143 publications, >6776 citations according to Web of Science)
  • (h-index of 54 from >143 publications, >10125 citations according to Google Scholar)
  • Distinguished Young Alumnus Award, University of South Carolina (2005)
  • Outstanding Performance Award, for funding of the proposal "Environmental Sensing, Metabolic Response, and Regulatory Networks in the Respiratory Versatile Bacterium Shewanella oneidensis MR-1" under DOE-OBER's new Microbial Cell Program, PNNL
  • Woman of Achievement, PNNL (2001)
  • EHI Performance Award, PNNL (2000)
  • EHI Performance Award, PNNL (1999)
  • Outstanding Team Performance Award, PNNL (1999)
  • Radiation Research Student Travel Award (1995)
  • Platform Presentation, International Symposia on Radiation Damage to DNA (1994)
  • Invited Radiation Research Student Travel Award (1994)
  • Lilly Travel Grant Award, Seventh Symposium of the Protein Society (1993)
  • Outstanding Teaching Award, Bouknight (1992)

Affiliations and Professional Service

  • Protein Society
  • American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • International Society of Microbial Ecology
  • American Geophysical Union
  • European Geochemical Union
  • Metabolomics Association of North America
  • Editorial Board, The Open Proteomics Journal (2007 – Present)
  • Editorial Board, General Subjects, Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, (2009 – Present)
  • Co-Editor, Mass Spectrometry of Proteins and Peptides: Methods and Protocols, Second Edition, Methods in Molecular Biology (2009)
  • Editorial Board, Frontiers in Evolutionary and Genomic Microbiology, (2012 –  Present)



Anderton C.R., J.M. Mobberley, J.K. Cole, J. Nunez, R.F. Starke, A.A. Boaro, and Y. Yesiltepe, et al. 2020. "Nitrogen source governs community carbon metabolism in a model hypersaline benthic phototrophic biofilm." mSystems 5, no. 3:Article No. e00260-20. PNNL-SA-145330. doi:10.1128/mSystems.00260-20

Daly P., M. Peng, H.D. Mitchell, Y. Kim, C.K. Ansong, H.M. Brewer, and P. De Gijsel, et al. 2020. "Colonies of the fungus Aspergillus niger are highly differentiated to adapt to local carbon source variation." Environmental Microbiology 22, no. 3:1154-1166. PNNL-SA-150305. doi:10.1111/1462-2920.14907

Steinke L.A., G.W. Slysz, M.S. Lipton, C. Klatt, J.J. Moran, M.F. Romine, and J. Wood, et al. 2020. "Short-term stable isotope probing of proteins reveals taxa incorporating inorganic carbon in a hot spring microbial mat." Applied and Environmental Microbiology 86, no. 7:Article No. e01829-19. PNNL-SA-148749. doi:10.1128/AEM.01829-19

Wood-Charlson E.M., F. Anubhav, D.L. Auberry, H. Blanco, M.I. Borkum, Y. Eberlim de Corilo, and K.W. Davenport, et al. 2020. "The National Microbiome Data Collaborative: Enabling Microbiome Science." Nature Reviews Microbiology 18, no. 6:313-314. PNNL-SA-152551. doi:10.1038/s41579-020-0377-0


Booker A.E., D.W. Hoyt, T. Meulia, E.K. Eder, C.D. Nicora, S.O. Purvine, and R. Daly, et al. 2019. "Deep-Subsurface Pressure Stimulates Metabolic Plasticity in Shale-Colonizing Halanaerobium spp." Applied and Environmental Microbiology 85, no. 12:e00018-19. PNNL-SA-144542. doi:10.1128/AEM.00018-19

Ceja Navarro J., U. Karaoz, M. Bill, Z. Hao, R.A. White, A. Arellano, and L. Ramanculova, et al. 2019. "Gut anatomical properties and microbial functional assembly promote lignocellulose deconstruction and colony subsistence of a wood-feeding beetle." Nature Microbiology 4, no. 5:864-875. PNNL-SA-138060. doi:10.1038/s41564-019-0384-y

Horta M.A., N. Thieme, Y. Gao, K.E. Burnum-Johnson, C.D. Nicora, M.A. Gritsenko, and M.S. Lipton, et al. 2019. "Broad substrate-specific phosphorylation events are associated with the initial stage of plant cell wall recognition in Neurospora crassa." Frontiers in Microbiology 10. PNNL-SA-143199. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2019.02317


Borton M., D.W. Hoyt, S. Roux, R. Daly, S. Welch, C.D. Nicora, and S.O. Purvine, et al. 2018. "Coupled laboratory and field investigations resolve microbial interactions that underpin persistence in hydraulically fractured shales." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 115, no. 28:E6585-E6594. PNNL-SA-134972. doi:10.1073/pnas.1800155115

Hatch L.E., A. Rivas-Ubach, C.N. Jen, M.S. Lipton, A.H. Goldstein, and K. Barsanti. 2018. "Measurements of I/SVOCs in biomass-burning smoke using solid-phase extraction disks and two-dimensional gas chromatography." Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 18, no. 24:17801-17817. PNNL-SA-137577. doi:10.5194/acp-18-17801-2018


Booker A.E., M. Borton, R. Daly, S. Welch, C.D. Nicora, D.W. Hoyt, and T. Wilson, et al. 2017. "Sulfide Generation by Dominant Halanaerobium Microorganisms in Hydraulically Fractured Shales." mSphere 2. PNNL-SA-128950. doi:10.1128/mSphereDirect.00257-17

Lindemann S.R., J.M. Mobberley, J.K. Cole, L. Markillie, R.C. Taylor, E.L. Huang, and W.B. Chrisler, et al. 2017. "Predicting Species-Resolved Macronutrient Acquisition during Succession in a Model Phototrophic Biofilm Using an Integrated 'Omics Approach." Frontiers in Microbiology 8. PNNL-SA-129376. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2017.01020

Solden L., D.W. Hoyt, W.B. Collins, J.E. Plank, R. Daly, E. Hildebrand, and T.J. Beavers, et al. 2017. "New roles in hemicellulosic sugar fermentation for the uncultivated Bacteroidetes family BS11." The ISME Journal 11, no. 3:691-703. PNNL-SA-115562. doi:10.1038/ismej.2016.150

Strand D.D., A.K. Livingston, M. Satoh-Cruz, T. Koepke, H.M. Enlow, N. Fisher, and J.E. Froehlich, et al. 2017. "Defects in the Expression of Chloroplast Proteins Leads to H2O2 Accumulation and Activation of Cyclic Electron Flow around Photosystem I." Frontiers in Plant Science 7. PNNL-SA-118306. doi:10.3389/fpls.2016.02073

Unkefer C.J., R.T. Sayre, J.K. Magnuson, D.B. Anderson, I. Baxter, I.K. Blaby, and J.K. Brown, et al. 2017. "Review of the algal biology program within the National Alliance for Advanced Biofuels and Bioproducts." Algal Research 22. PNNL-SA-125672. doi:10.1016/j.algal.2016.06.002


Anderson L.N., P.K. Koech, A.E. Plymale, E.V. Landorf, A. Konopka, F. Collart, and M.S. Lipton, et al. 2016. "Live Cell Discovery of Microbial Vitamin Transport and Enzyme-Cofactor Interactions." ACS Chemical Biology 11, no. 2:345-354. PNNL-SA-108145. doi:10.1021/acschembio.5b00918

Smith D., C.D. Nicora, P. Carini, M.S. Lipton, A.D. Norbeck, R.D. Smith, and S.J. Giovannoni. 2016. "Proteome Remodeling in Response to Sulfur Limitation in Candidatus Pelagibacter ubique." mSystems 1, no. 4:e00068-16. PNNL-SA-113512. doi:10.1128/mSystems.00068-16

Stuart R., X. Mayali, A.A. Boaro, A. Zelma, R. Everroad, D.J. Nilson, and P.K. Weber, et al. 2016. "Light Regimes Shape Utilization of Extracellular Organic C and N in a Cyanobacterial Biofilm." mBio 7, no. 3:Article No. e00650-16. PNNL-SA-121065. doi:10.1128/mBio.00650-16

Sun J., J.D. Todd, J. Thrash, Y. Qian, M.C. Qian, B. Temperton, and J. Guo, et al. 2016. "The abundant marine bacterium Pelagibacter simultaneously catabolizes dimethylsulfoniopropionate to the gases dimethyl sulfide and methanethiol." Nature Microbiology 1, no. 8:Article No. 16065. PNNL-SA-108154. doi:10.1038/nmicrobiol.2016.65


Aylward F.O., L. Khadempour, D. Tremmel, B.R. McDonald, C.D. Nicora, S. Wu, and R.J. Moore, et al. 2015. "Enrichment and Broad Representation of Plant Biomass-Degrading Enzymes in the Specialized Hyphal Swellings of Leucoagaricus gongylophorus, the Fungal Symbiont of Leaf-Cutter Ants." PLoS One 10, no. 8:e0134752. PNNL-SA-108498. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0134752

Burnet M.C., A. Dohnalkova, A.P. Neumann, M.S. Lipton, R.D. Smith, G. Suen, and S.J. Callister. 2015. "Evaluating Models of Cellulose Degradation by Fibrobacter succinogenes S85." PLoS One 10, no. 12:e0143809. PNNL-SA-111279. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0143809

Merkley E.D., K.C. Wrighton, C. Castelle, B.J. Anderson, M.J. Wilkins, V. Shah, and T. Arbour, et al. 2015. "Changes in protein expression across laboratory and field experiments in Geobacter bemidjiensis." Journal of Proteome Research 14, no. 3:1361-1375. PNNL-SA-104781. doi:10.1021/pr500983v

Payne S.H., M.E. Monroe, C.C. Overall, G.R. Kiebel, M.G. Degan, B.C. Gibbons, and G.M. Fujimoto, et al. 2015. "The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory library of bacterial and archaeal proteomic biodiversity." Scientific Data 2. PNNL-SA-108944. doi:10.1038/sdata.2015.41


Cao L., N. Tolic, Y. Qu, D. Meng, R. Zhao, Q. Zhang, and R.J. Moore, et al. 2014. "Characterization of intact N- and O-linked glycopeptides using higher energy collisional dissociation." Analytical Biochemistry 452. PNNL-SA-99189. doi:10.1016/j.ab.2014.01.003

Huang E.L., F.O. Aylward, Y. Kim, B.M. Webb-Robertson, C.D. Nicora, Z. Hu, and T.O. Metz, et al. 2014. "The fungus gardens of leaf-cutter ants undergo a distinct physiological transition during biomass degradation." Environmental Microbiology Reports 6, no. 4:389-95. PNNL-SA-96938. doi:10.1111/1758-2229.12163

Keating D.H., Y. Zhang, I.M. Ong, S. Mcllwain, E.H. Morales, J.A. Grass, and M. Tremaine, et al. 2014. "Aromatic inhibitors derived from ammonia-pretreated lignocellulose hinder bacterial ethanologenesis by activating regulatory circuits controlling inhibitor efflux and detoxification." Frontiers in Microbiology 5. PNNL-SA-106710. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2014.00402

Qu Y., J. Feng, S. Deng, L. Cao, Q. Zhang, R. Zhao, and Z. Zhang, et al. 2014. "Structural Analysis of N- and O-glycans Using ZIC-HILIC/Dialysis Coupled to NMR Detection." Fungal Genetics and Biology: FG & B 72. PNNL-SA-101957. doi:10.1016/j.fgb.2014.08.001

Slysz G.W., L.A. Steinke, D.M. Ward, C.G. Klatt, T.R. Clauss, S.O. Purvine, and S.H. Payne, et al. 2014. "Automated data extraction from in situ protein stable isotope probing studies." Journal of Proteome Research 13, no. 3:1200-1210. PNNL-SA-96672. doi:10.1021/pr400633j

Wrighton K.C., C. Castelle, M.J. Wilkins, L.A. Hug, I. Sharon, B.C. Thomas, and K.M. Handley, et al. 2014. "Metabolic interdependencies between phylogenetically novel fermenters and respiratory organisms in an unconfined aquifer." The ISME Journal 8, no. 7:1452-1463. PNNL-SA-97151. doi:10.1038/ismej.2013.249


Aylward F.O., K.E. Burnum-Johnson, S.G. Tringe, C. Teiling, D. Tremmel, J. Moeller, and J.J. Scott, et al. 2013. "Leucoagaricus gongylophorus Produces Diverse Enzymes for the Degradation of Recalcitrant Plant Polymers in Leaf-Cutter Ant Fungus Gardens." Applied and Environmental Microbiology 79, no. 12:3770-3778. PNNL-SA-92750. doi:10.1128/AEM.03833-12

Nicora C.D., B.J. Anderson, S.J. Callister, A.D. Norbeck, S.O. Purvine, J.K. Jansson, and O.U. Mason, et al. 2013. "Amino acid treatment enhances protein recovery from sediment and soils for metaproteomic studies." Proteomics 13, no. 18-19:2776-2785. PNNL-SA-92783. doi:10.1002/pmic.201300003

Qu Y., S. Wu, R. Zhao, E.M. Zink, D.J. Orton, R.J. Moore, and D. Meng, et al. 2013. "Automated Immobilized Metal Affinity Chromatography System for Enrichment of Escherichia coli Phosphoproteome." Electrophoresis 34, no. 11:1619-1626. PNNL-SA-92228. doi:10.1002/elps.201200628

Taylor R.C., B.M. Webb-Robertson, L.M. Markillie, M.H. Serres, B.E. Linggi, J.T. Aldrich, and E.A. Hill, et al. 2013. "Changes in Translational Efficiency is a Dominant Regulatory Mechanism in the Environmental Response of Bacteria." Integrative Biology 5, no. 11:1393-1406. PNNL-SA-95628. doi:10.1039/C3IB40120K

Wilkins M.J., K.C. Wrighton, C.D. Nicora, K.H. Williams, L.A. McCue, K.M. Handley, and C.S. Miller, et al. 2013. "Fluctuations in Species-Level Protein Expression Occur during Element and Nutrient Cycling in the Subsurface." PLoS One 8, no. 3:e57819. PNNL-SA-91270. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0057819

Wu S., R.N. Brown, S.H. Payne, D. Meng, R. Zhao, N. Tolic, and L. Cao, et al. 2013. "Top-down characterization of the post-translationally modified intact periplasmic proteome of the bacterium Novosphingobium aromaticivorans." International Journal of Proteomics 2013. PNNL-SA-91327. doi:10.1155/2013/279590


Aylward F.O., K.E. Burnum, J.J. Scott, G. Suen, S.G. Tringe, S.M. Adams, and K.W. Barry, et al. 2012. "Metagenomic and metaproteomic insights into bacterial communities in leaf-cutter ant fungus gardens." The ISME Journal 6, no. 9:1688-1701. PNNL-SA-82393. doi:10.1038/ismej.2012.10

Cao L., D.A. Bryant, A.A. Schepmoes, K. Vogl, R.D. Smith, M.S. Lipton, and S.J. Callister. 2012. "Comparison of Chloroflexus aurantiacus strain J-10-fl proteomes of cells grown chemoheterotrophically and photoheterotrophically." Photosynthesis Research 110, no. 3:153-168. PNNL-SA-81058. doi:10.1007/s11120-011-9711-8

Fang Y., M.J. Wilkins, S.B. Yabusaki, M.S. Lipton, and P.E. Long. 2012. "Evaluation of a Genome-Scale In Silico Metabolic Model for Geobacter metallireducens Using Proteomic Data from a Field Biostimulation Experiment." Applied and Environmental Microbiology 78, no. 24:8735 - 8742. PNNL-SA-88037. doi:10.1128/AEM.01795-12

Liu J., Z. Wang, S.M. Belchik, M. Edwards, C. Liu, D.W. Kennedy, and E.D. Merkley, et al. 2012. "Identification and Characterization of MtoA: a Decaheme c-Type Cytochrome of the Neutrophilic Fe(II)-oxidizing Bacterium Sideroxydans lithotrophicus ES-1." Frontiers in Microbiological Chemistry 3. PNNL-SA-83499. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2012.00037

Merkley E.D., B.J. Anderson, J.H. Park, S.M. Belchik, L. Shi, M.E. Monroe, and R.D. Smith, et al. 2012. "Detection and Identification of Heme c-Modified Peptides by Histidine Affinity Chromatography, High-Performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry, and Database Searching." Journal of Proteome Research 11, no. 12:6147-6158. PNNL-SA-89362. doi:10.1021/pr3007914

Vu T., S. Stolyar, G.E. Pinchuk, E.A. Hill, L.A. Kucek, R.N. Brown, and M.S. Lipton, et al. 2012. "Genome-Scale Modeling of Light-Driven Reductant Partitioning and Carbon Fluxes in Diazotrophic Unicellular Cyanobacterium Cyanothece sp. ATCC 51142." PLoS Computational Biology 8, no. 4:E1002460. PNNL-SA-83135. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002460

Vu T., S. Stolyar, G.E. Pinchuk, E.A. Hill, L.A. Kucek, R.N. Brown, and M.S. Lipton, et al. 2012. "Genome-scale modeling of light-driven reductant partitioning and carbon fluxes in diazotrophic unicellular cyanobacterium Cyanothece sp. ATCC 51142." PLoS Computational Biology 8, no. 4:e1002460. PNNL-SA-83348. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002460

Wrighton K.C., B.C. Thomas, I. Sharon, C.S. Miller, C. Castelle, N.C. VerBerkmoes, and M.J. Wilkins, et al. 2012. "Fermentation, Hydrogen, and Sulfur Metabolism in Multiple Uncultivated Bacterial Phyla." Science 337, no. 6102:1661-1665. PNNL-SA-88725. doi:10.1126/science.1224041

Yuan J., B. Wei, M.S. Lipton, and H. Gao. 2012. "Impact of ArcA loss in Shewanella oneidensis revealed by comparative proteomics under aerobic and anaerobic conditions." Proteomics 12, no. 12:1957-1969. PNNL-SA-88125. doi:10.1002/pmic.201100651


Adams L.G., S. Khare, S.D. Lawhon, C.A. Rossetti, H.A. Lewin, M.S. Lipton, and J.E. Turse, et al. 2011. "Enhancing the role of veterinary vaccines reducing zoonotic diseases of humans: Linking systems biology with vaccine development." Vaccine 29, no. 41:7197-7206. PNNL-SA-84155. doi:10.1016/j.vaccine.2011.05.080

Britos L.C., E. Abeliuk, T. Taverner, M.S. Lipton, H. McAdams, and L. Shapiro. 2011. "Regulatory Response to Carbon Starvation in Caulobacter crescentus." PLoS One 6, no. 4:e18179. PNNL-SA-79967. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0018179

Burnum K.E., S.J. Callister, C.D. Nicora, S.O. Purvine, P. Hugenholtz, F. Warnecke, and R.H. Scheffrahn, et al. 2011. "Proteome Insights into the Symbiotic Relationship Between a Captive Colony of Nasutitermes corniger and its Hindgut Microbiome." The ISME Journal 5, no. 1:161-164. PNNL-SA-68831. doi:10.1038/ismej.2010.97

Cannon W.R., M.M. Rawlins, D.J. Baxter, S.J. Callister, M.S. Lipton, and D.A. Bryant. 2011. "Large Improvements in MS/MS Based Peptide Identification Rates using a Hybrid Analysis." Journal of Proteome Research 10, no. 5:2306-2317. PNNL-SA-73911. doi:10.1021/pr101130b

Cao B., L. Shi, R.N. Brown, Y. Xiong, J.K. Fredrickson, M.F. Romine, and M.J. Marshall, et al. 2011. "Extracellular Polymeric Substances from Shewanella sp. HRCR-1 Biofilms: Characterization by Infrared Spectroscopy and Proteomics." Environmental Microbiology 13, no. 4:1018-1031. PNNL-SA-75805. doi:10.1111/j.1462-2920.2010.02407.x

Chundawat S.P., M.S. Lipton, S.O. Purvine, N. Uppugundla, D. Gao, V. Balan, and B.E. Dale. 2011. "Proteomics based compositional analysis of complex cellulase-hemicellulase mixtures." Journal of Proteome Research 10, no. 10:4365-4372. PNNL-SA-78193. doi:10.1021/pr101234z

Lennen R.M., M.A. Kruziki, K. Kumar, R.A. Zinkel, K.E. Burnum, M.S. Lipton, and S.W. Hoover, et al. 2011. "Membrane Stresses Induced by Overproduction of Free Fatty Acids in Escherichia coli." Applied and Environmental Microbiology 77, no. 22:8114-8128. PNNL-SA-83349. doi:10.1128/AEM.05421-11

Polacco B.J., S.O. Purvine, E.M. Zink, S.P. LaVoie, M.S. Lipton, A.O. Summers, and S.M. Miller. 2011. "Discovering Mercury Protein Modifications in Whole Proteomes Using Natural Isotope Distributions Observed in Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry." Molecular & Cellular Proteomics. MCP 10, no. 8:Art. No. 10: M110.004853. PNNL-SA-80519. doi:10.1074/mcp.M110.004853

Wilkins M.J., S.J. Callister, M. Miletto, K.H. Williams, C.D. Nicora, D.R. Lovely, and P.E. Long, et al. 2011. "Development of a biomarker for Geobacter activity and strain composition; Proteogenomic analysis of the citrate synthase protein during bioremediation of U(VI)." Microbial Biotechnology 4, no. 1:55-63. PNNL-SA-72264. doi:10.1111/j.1751-7915.2010.00194.x

Zhang H., F. Yang, W. Qian, R.N. Brown, Y. Wang, E.D. Merkley, and J.H. Park, et al. 2011. "Identification of c-Type Heme-Containing Peptides Using Non-Activated Immobilized Metal Affinity Chromatography Resin Enrichment and Higher-Energy Collisional Dissociation." Analytical Chemistry 83, no. 19:7260-7268. PNNL-SA-77198. doi:10.1021/ac2000829


Brown R.N., M.F. Romine, A.A. Schepmoes, R.D. Smith, and M.S. Lipton. 2010. "Mapping the Subcellular Proteome of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 using Sarkosyl-based fractionation and LC-MS/MS protein identification." Journal of Proteome Research 9, no. 9:4454-4463. PNNL-SA-70091. doi:10.1021/pr100215h

Callister S.J., M.J. Wilkins, C.D. Nicora, K.H. Williams, J.F. Banfield, N. VerBerkmoes, and R.L. Hettich, et al. 2010. "Analysis of Biostimulated Microbial Communities from Two Field Experiments Reveals Temporal and Spatial Differences in Proteome Profiles." Environmental Science & Technology 44, no. 23:8897-8903. PNNL-SA-71892. doi:10.1021/es101029f

DiDonato R.J., N.D. Young, J. Butler, K. Chin, K.K. Hixson, P. Mouser, and M.S. Lipton, et al. 2010. "Genome Sequence of the Deltaproteobacterial Strain NaphS2 and Analysis of Differential Gene Expression during Anaerobic Growth on Naphthalene." PLoS One 5, no. 11:Article No. e14072. PNNL-SA-76981. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0014072

Mercer R., S.J. Callister, M.S. Lipton, L. Pasa-Tolic, H. Strnad, V. Paces, and J.T. Beatty, et al. 2010. "Loss of the Response Regulator CtrA Causes Pleiotropic Effects on Gene Expression but Does Not Affect Growth Phase Regulation in Rhodobacter capsulatus." Journal of Bacteriology 192, no. 11:2701-2710. PNNL-SA-69016. doi:10.1128/JB.00160-10

Schutzer S.E., T. Liu, B. Natelson, T.E. Angel, A.A. Schepmoes, S.O. Purvine, and K.K. Hixson, et al. 2010. "Establishing the Proteome of Normal Human Cerebrospinal Fluid." PLoS One 5, no. 6:e10980-. PNWD-SA-8931. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0010980

Smith D.P., J.B. Kitner, A.D. Norbeck, T.R. Clauss, M.S. Lipton, M.S. Schwalbach, and L. Steindler, et al. 2010. "Transcriptional and translational regulatory responses to iron limitation in the globally distributed marine bacterium Candidatus Pelagibacter ubique." PLoS One 5, no. 5:Article Number: e10487. PNNL-SA-72424.

Turse J.E., M.J. Marshall, J.K. Fredrickson, M.S. Lipton, and S.J. Callister. 2010. "An empirical strategy for characterizing bacterial proteomes across species in the absence of genomic sequences." PLoS One 5, no. 11:Article No.: e13968. PNNL-SA-65902. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0013968

Zhang H., R.N. Brown, W. Qian, M.E. Monroe, S.O. Purvine, R.J. Moore, and M.A. Gritsenko, et al. 2010. "Quantitative analysis of cell surface membrane proteins using membrane-impermeable chemical probe coupled with 18O labeling." Journal of Proteome Research 9, no. 5:2160-2169. PNNL-SA-67314.


Henne K.L., J.E. Turse, C.D. Nicora, M.S. Lipton, S.L. Tollaksen, C. Lindberg, and G. Babbnig, et al. 2009. "Global Proteomic Analysis of the Chromate Response in Arthrobacter sp strain FB24." Journal of Proteome Research 8, no. 4)(Sp.Iss.SI:1704-16. PNNL-SA-62660. doi:10.1021/Pr800705f

Kim W., M.W. Silby, S.O. Purvine, J.S. Nicoll, K.K. Hixson, M.E. Monroe, and C.D. Nicora, et al. 2009. "Proteomic Detection of Non-Annotated Protein-Coding Genes in Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf0-1." PLoS One 4, no. 12:Article Number: e8455. PNNL-SA-68830. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0008455

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Hixson K.K., J.N. Adkins, S.E. Baker, R.J. Moore, R.D. Smith, S.L. McCutchen-Maloney, and M.S. Lipton. 2006. "Biomarker Candidate Identification in Yersinia Pestis Using Organism-Wide Semiquantitative Proteomics." Journal of Proteome Research 5, no. 11:3008-3017. PNNL-SA-49565.

Lipton M.S., M.F. Romine, M.E. Monroe, D.A. Elias, L. Pasa-Tolic, G.A. Anderson, and D.J. Anderson, et al. 2006. "AMT Tag Approach to Proteomic Characterization of Deinococcus Radiodurans and Shewanella Oneidensis." In Microbial Proteomics, Methods of Biochemical Analysis, edited by I. Humphery-Smith and M. Hecker. 113-134. Hoboken, New Jersey:John Wiley & Sons, Inc. PNNL-SA-42692.

Norbeck A.D., S.J. Callister, M.E. Monroe, N. Jaitly, D.A. Elias, M.S. Lipton, and R.D. Smith. 2006. "Proteomic approaches to bacterial differentiation." Journal of Microbiological Methods 67, no. 3:473-486. PNNL-SA-46770. doi:10.1016/j.mimet.2006.04.024

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Yang F., D.L. Stenoien, E.F. Strittmatter, J. Wang, L. Ding, M.S. Lipton, and M.E. Monroe, et al. 2006. "Phosphoproteome Profiling of Human Skin Fibroplast Cells in Response to Low- and High-Dose Irradiation." Journal of Proteome Research 5, no. 5:1252-1260. PNNL-SA-46275.


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Huang Y., J.M. Triscari, G.C. Tseng, L. Pasa-Tolic, M.S. Lipton, R.D. Smith, and V.H. Wysocki. 2005. "Statistical Characterization of the Charge State and Residue Dependence of Low-Energy CID Peptide Dissociation Patterns." Analytical Chemistry 77, no. 18:5800-5813. PNNL-SA-45900.

Kolker E., A.F. Picone, M.Y. Galperin, M.F. Romine, R. Higdon, K.S. Makarova, and N. Kolker, et al. 2005. "Global Profiling of Shewanella oneidensis MR-1: Expression of Hypothetical Genes and Improved functional annotations." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 102, no. 6:2099-2104. PNNL-SA-43139.

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Huang Y., J.M. Triscari, L. Pasa-Tolic, G.A. Anderson, M.S. Lipton, R.D. Smith, and V.H. Wysocki. 2004. "Dissociation Behavior of Doubly-Charged Tryptic Peptides: Correlation of Gas-Phase Cleavage Abundance with Ramachandran Plots." Journal of the American Chemical Society 126, no. 10:3034-3035. PNNL-SA-43138.

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Petritis K., L.J. Kangas, P.L. Ferguson, G.A. Anderson, L. Pasa-Tolic, M.S. Lipton, and K.J. Auberry, et al. 2003. "Use of artificial neural networks for the accurate prediction of peptide liquid chromatography elution times in proteome analyses." Analytical Chemistry 75, no. 5:1039-1048. PNNL-SA-37767.


Blonder J., M.B. Goshe, R.J. Moore, L. Pasa-Tolic, C.D. Masselon, M.S. Lipton, and R.D. Smith. 2002. "Enrichment of Integral Membrane Proteins for Proteomic Analysis Using Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry." Journal of Proteome Research 1, no. 4:351-360. PNNL-SA-36193.

Hixson K.K., N. Rodriguez, D.G. Camp, E.F. Strittmatter, M.S. Lipton, and R.D. Smith. 2002. "Evaluation of Enzymatic Digestion and Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Peptide Mapping of the Integral Membrane Protein Bacteriorhodopsin." Electrophoresis 23, no. 18:3224-3232. PNNL-SA-39337.

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Pasa-Tolic L., M.S. Lipton, C.D. Masselon, G.A. Anderson, Y. Shen, N. Tolic, and R.D. Smith. 2002. "Gene expression profiling using advanced mass spectrometric approaches." Journal of Mass Spectrometry 37, no. 12:1185-1198. PNWD-SA-5864.

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Smith R.D., G.A. Anderson, T.P. Conrads, C.D. Masselon, M.S. Lipton, L. Pasa-Tolic, and T.D. Veenstra. 2002. "Advanced Mass Spectrometric Approaches for Rapid and Quantitative Proteomics." In Applied Electrospray Mass Spectrometry, edited by BN Pramanik,, AK Ganguly & ML Gross. 307-360. New York, New York:Marcel Dekker. PNNL-SA-33075.


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Conrads T.P., K. Alving, T.D. Veenstra, M.E. Belov, G.A. Anderson, D.J. Anderson, and M.S. Lipton, et al. 2001. "Quantitative Analysis of Bacterial and Mammalian Proteomes using a Combination of Cysteine Affinity Tags and 15N-Metabolic Labeling." Analytical Chemistry 73, no. 9:2132-2139. PNNL-SA-34135.

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Shen Y., R. Zhao, M.E. Belov, T.P. Conrads, G.A. Anderson, K. Tang, and L. Pasa-Tolic, et al. 2001. "Packed Capillary Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography with High Performance Electrospray Ionization Fourier Transform Ion Cyclotron Resonance Mass Spectrometry for Proteomics." Analytical Chemistry 73, no. 8:1766-1775. PNNL-SA-34100.

Smith R.D., L. Pasa-Tolic, M.S. Lipton, P.K. Jensen, G.A. Anderson, Y. Shen, and T.P. Conrads, et al. 2001. "Rapid quantitative measurements of proteomes by Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry." Electrophoresis 22. PNNL-SA-35082.


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