First, clear your browser cache. You can do this by pressing shift+F5 on Mac or PC. You can also clear the browser cache under settings for any browser. Sometimes restarting your browser is necessary, or you can try a different browser if you don’t want to lose what you are working on. If you continue to have issues, contact
A password reset can be requested by clicking on the “Forgot Password” link on the login page. Fill in the form provided using the email that you used to register for an account. You should receive an email within 10 minutes of submitting the form. You may need to check your spam folder. If you haven’t received a reset email, or no longer have access to that email address, contact
Before proposal submission, under the “Participants” tab, click the “Add Participant” button. From here, you can search for users by First Name, Last Name, and/or Email address. If you are unable to find the participant(s) you are looking for, you can create limited accounts to add them to the proposal. These limited accounts require the user’s name, profession level, email address, and affiliated institution. The user receiving the limited account will need to log into the NEXUS system and link an ORCID.
After proposal submission, see question below titled “How do I add participants to my project?”
Using the “Quick Links” on the left in the EMSL User Portal, select “My Profile” ( to update in the form, making sure to click “Submit All Changes.” If you encounter any issues, contact
Contact to merge the duplicate accounts.
From the EMSL User Portal, select the “Proposals/Projects” ( tile, then click on the project of interest.
No, after submission the proposal is not editable. Please contact to make any edits.
To find the workspace, head to the EMSL User Portal home page and then select the “Proposals/Projects” ( tile. Under the “proposal” column of the project you are interested in, select “Jump to Workspace.”
There are four sections in the workspace:
- Meeting Notes Area
- Comments Area
- Sample Group(s) – there can be multiple groups depending on your project
- Publication and Co-Authorship Agreement Area
When adding anything into the workspace, please make sure to refresh your view to see changes
See above for where the workspace is. Then select “create new entry” or “add comment.” Type your message into the text box after selecting the type of comment to provide.
To notify a specific person in a comment, click their name in the dropdowns for “Project Members” or “Staff Members.” Clicking the name will generate a tag for one person. If you want to notify multiple persons, click multiple names.
Note, simply typing an individual's name or email will not generate a notification.
Click “Submit New Item” and refresh your page to see the comment.
In the workspace, click “Download Submission Template” from any of your sample groups. Once you’ve completed the template requirements, return to your project workspace. In the appropriate sample group for the samples you’re submitting, select “Start New Submission.” Fill in the information in the pop-up, upload your completed sheet, and select “Submit.” Wait about 30–60 seconds and then refresh the page to see your changes.
There will now be a submission where you can do the following:
- Change Metadata File – upload new/updated files.
- Add Comment – specific to this submission.
- Please follow all the proposal guidance in detail, including selecting the correct call and having all the required appendices.
- Make sure to add all the principal investigator team members as participants. This does not include the EMSL scientists who will be collaborating. Citizenship and funding sources must be included for all participants. Participants must enter their own citizenship info in their EMSL User Portal profile. Funding sources for participants can be inputted by your project manager after proposal acceptance.
- During proposal submission, please identify the resources you will use in the first year. You will be contacted to request year-two resources if the call supports two years of research.
- If your research will involve samples, please make sure to provide accurate information on the proposed samples. Each sample description will later turn into a sample group to upload sample metadata (see below) to send sample(s) to EMSL. Latitude and longitude coordinates are requested for the location from which the sample(s) were harvested for United States Department of Agriculture regulation purposes.
- Principal Investigator (PI): Only one person can be chosen as the PI. If a postdoc is chosen as the PI, a Secondary Point of Contact must be identified. Students may not serve as PIs.
- Co-Investigator: You may choose multiple Co-PIs. You will be asked to provide funding sources for each.
- Team Member: A participant who is not serving as PI or Co-PI.
- You will receive a project approval email from EMSL User Program Services. This will include the Terms and Conditions of EMSL Use.
- Once your proposal is awarded, your assigned project manager will reach out to schedule a kick-off call to set expectations for the project.
- If you have a multi-year project, you will be contacted for a first-year summary to request year-two resources.
A proposal becomes a project when it’s approved and funded.
All project participants will need to create an EMSL User Portal user account and have an ORCID identification. After account creation, the PI on the project should notify their project manager with the participant’s name and funding source for the participant to be added.
When reviewing, head to the EMSL User Portal “Reviews” to see reviews that have been assigned to you. If you have technical problems with any associated files, please contact
If you are having technical problems with the EMSL User Portal, please contact
If you are interested in becoming a reviewer for EMSL, please contact
EMSL allows for on-site visitors on active projects. You must be listed as a participant on the project to visit. Please work with your project manager to initiate a visit. Keep in mind that the EMSL User Program Services office needs 30 days to process U.S. citizens and 60 days for foreign nationals.
Access to computing resources is considered a remote visit. If computing is allocated to your project, then EMSL User Program Services will initiate obtaining the required information.
- Documentation required by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Documentation needs vary based on citizenship status.
- Training required by Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. All training needs to be completed before visitor arrival.
No, on-site lodging is no longer available.
Yes, there is plenty of no-cost parking at EMSL for your visit.
Samples are accepted year-round for active projects. Contact your project manager about the sample submission process. Metadata is required to be submitted and approved for all samples before receiving shipment instructions, including a shipping address with an assigned receiving ID number. Be aware that summers are particularly busy times that see high usage of EMSL capabilities, and therefore data delivery will likely be delayed. To ensure that your samples will run on instruments before your project end date, we recommend sending samples as soon as possible.
At a minimum, sample metadata should be submitted 1 week before anticipated shipment date. This allows for your metadata point of contact to review metadata, request updates, and provide accurate shipping instructions.
Review various sample and experiment types. Tutorials are also available on the EMSL LEARN web page.
The sample groups listed for your project were created during proposal submission and used for project-specific hazard assessments. A sample group is a collection of the same type of samples with common risk factors. Separate sample groups should exist for each sample type, shipment date, and sample location. Based on hazard evaluation, sample groups may be updated and consolidated during project execution by your project manager or metadata point-of-contact to simplify shipping and metadata submission. For example, samples of the same type from multiple locations may be shipped at the same time if there are no USDA regulations on them.
You should upload a new metadata submission under the sample group that is most closely related to the submission you are going to make. There should be a single metadata submission per sample group. If your submission does not fit into an existing sample group, please contact to make edits to your project’s sample groups.
In the downloaded Submission Template, on tabs “Sample Submission” and “Sample Submission Workflow,” there is guidance for how to ship samples to EMSL. If you haven’t shipped outside of your institution or state, we recommend connecting with your project manager to discuss shipment guidance to ensure that your samples arrive intact.