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Leslie Butler

Louisiana State University


Unraveling Coastal Wetland Root Dynamics Through Imaging and Deep Learning

Lead Institution
Louisiana State University
Principal Investigator
Navid Jafari
Project type
Limited Scope
Coastal wetlands are valuable ecosystems. They improve water quality, provide wildlife habitat and biodiversity, sequester carbon, and very importantly protect coastal communities from hurricanes by…

Al-27 NMR of Imidoalanes

Lead Institution
Louisiana State University
Principal Investigator
Leslie Butler
Project type
Capability Research

Solution Al-27 NMR at 750 MHz (H1) of Methylaluminoxanes

Lead Institution
Louisiana State University
Principal Investigator
Leslie Butler
Project type
Capability Research
We request three 12-hour shifts spaced throughout the period of October 2002 to April 2003 on the 750 MHz (H1) NMR. Solution-state Al-27 NMR are to be obtained by remote operation, with variable…

Novel X-ray Interferometry Imaging of Plant Root Systems

Lead Institution
Louisiana State University
Principal Investigator
Joyoni Dey
Project type
Exploratory Research
Plants have mechanisms to overcome abiotic and biotic stresses. One of the main plant parts to adjust to available resources for growth are roots. Observing the changes in distribution of roots (RSA)…

Unraveling the Interplay of Wetland Root Strength and Ecogeomorphology

Lead Institution
Louisiana State University
Principal Investigator
Navid Jafari
Project type
Exploratory Research
Critical gaps persist in understanding how coastal wetlands perform against storm surge and wave forcings, how these systems evolve over space and time (particularly in the face of sea level rise and…

Studies of long time scale processes of environmental importance

Lead Institution
Louisiana State University
Principal Investigator
Randall Hall
Project type
Capability Research
This proposal addresses two problems of importance to environmental molecular science related by the need to study processes occurring on long times scales. We will use a combination of novel…