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Robert Harrison

University of Tennessee


Integrated Multiscale Modeling of Molecular Computing Devices

Lead Institution
University of Tennessee
Principal Investigator
Robert Harrison
Project type
Exploratory Research
We will develop and apply methods to understand the transport of electrons across devices formed from one or more molecules and also to understand the formation and structure of self-assembled…

(emsl29)Computational Quantum Chemistry

Lead Institution
University of Georgia
Principal Investigator
Henry Schaefer
Project type
Capability Research
To gain experience in the use of the EMSL computational resources and in the development of programs for massively parallel computers in preparation for collaboration in the DOE BES SciDAC project. …

(emsl3410) Relativistic many-electron theories

Lead Institution
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Principal Investigator
So Hirata
Project type
Capability Research
We propose to develop a series of highly accurate electron correlation theories (configuration interaction theory upto CISDTQ, coupled-cluster theory upto CCSDTQ, many-body perturbation theory upto…

Chemical Discovery Through Advanced Computing

Lead Institution
University of Tennessee
Principal Investigator
Robert Harrison
Project type
Exploratory Research
We plan to model using classical and quantum approaches the novel electronic and optical properties of single molecule PPV (MPV) systems on glass substrates. This is in collaboration with…