Hua-jin Zhai
Washington State University Tri-Cities
Probing the Electronic Structure of Metal Clusters
Lead Institution
Brown University
Principal Investigator
Lai-Sheng Wang
Project type
Exploratory Research
Transition Metal Oxide Clusters - Electronic Structure and Chemical Bonding Using Photoelectron Spectroscopy (Wang's BES/Chemical Physics-Catalysis WBS0505 of Peden's BES-Chemical Transformations at Complex Interfaces, PNNL Scope #47319)
Lead Institution
Brown University
Principal Investigator
Lai-Sheng Wang
Project type
Exploratory Research
From Gas Phase Clusters to Nanomaterials
Lead Institution
Brown University
Principal Investigator
Lai-Sheng Wang
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
Oxide Clusters - Electronic Structure and Chemical Bonding Using Photoelectron Spectroscopy
Lead Institution
Brown University
Principal Investigator
Lai-Sheng Wang
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
Investigation of Aromatic and Other Novel Gas Phase Atomic Clusters and Molecules
Lead Institution
Utah State University
Principal Investigator
Alexander Boldyrev
Project type
Exploratory Research
Computational Chemistry Modeling of Main-Group and Transition-Metal Cluster Systems
Lead Institution
Brown University
Principal Investigator
Lai-Sheng Wang
Project type
Exploratory Research
Early Transition Metal Oxides as Catalysts: Crossing Scales from Clusters to Single Crystals to Functioning Materials
Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Charles Peden
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research