From Gas Phase Clusters to Nanomaterials
EMSL Project ID
This proposal is a continuation of research under EMSL User Proposal #3226a. Gas phase clusters remain to be an attractive and exciting field of study for several reasons. First of all, clusters bridge molecular properties to those of the bulk from the bottom up. Second, gas phase clusters provide new opportunities to examine the nature of the chemical bond, and possibly allow new types of chemical bonds to be discovered. Third and from a more applied point of view, as the microelectronics industry has continually sought ever smaller structures for device applications, eventually the cluster properties and the related quantum size effects will be relevant when such structures approach the size regimes of just a few nanometers. Finally, but not the least, there still exists the opportunity to discover unusually stable clusters that may be used to fabricate cluster-based nanomaterials, a long time dream of cluster science. For example, the most spectacular success of cluster science has been the fundamental studies of carbon clusters in the gas phase, that led to the discovery of fullerenes and their eventual bulk synthesis. The electronic structure and its evolution with cluster size are important issues in cluster science. Photoelectron spectroscopy of size-selected anions has been established as a powerful experimental technique to probe the electronic structure of atomic clusters. This proposal describes a research program for the fundamental investigation of gas phase clusters with an emphasis on novel molecular structures and chemical bonding and with an eye on identifying potential building blocks for new materials. The proposed tasks include: (1) boron clusters and cluster complexes; (2) aluminum-alloy clusters; (3) selected metal-carbide clusters; (4) explorative synthesis of helical nanowires and cluster-based nanomaterials.
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Large-Scale EMSL Research
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