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Zachary Piazza

Brown University


From Gas Phase Clusters to Nanomaterials

Lead Institution
Brown University
Principal Investigator
Lai-Sheng Wang
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
This proposal is a continuation of research under EMSL User Proposal #3226a. Gas phase clusters remain to be an attractive and exciting field of study for several reasons. First of all, clusters…

An Integrated Experimental and Theoretical Study of Actinide Clusters

Lead Institution
Brown University
Principal Investigator
Lai-Sheng Wang
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
Understanding the chemistry of the actinide elements, in particular uranium, is of critical importance to the mission of the U.S. Department of Energy. With the challenges to develop renewable…

Bio-Inspired Actinides Recognition for Separation Science

Lead Institution
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Ping Yang
A critically important problem facing the US is the issue of spent nuclear fuel disposal. The grand challenge here lies in the design of an efficient fuel cycle. The development of chelating…