Zachary Piazza
Brown University
From Gas Phase Clusters to Nanomaterials
Lead Institution
Brown University
Principal Investigator
Lai-Sheng Wang
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
Probing the Electronic Structures of Atomic Clusters and Solution Phase Species in the Gas Phase
Lead Institution
Brown University
Principal Investigator
Lai-Sheng Wang
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
Oxide Clusters - Electronic Structure and Chemical Bonding Using Photoelectron Spectroscopy
Lead Institution
Brown University
Principal Investigator
Lai-Sheng Wang
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
DFT and Ab Initio Studies of the size dependent structure and properties of Boron and Gold Nanoclusters
Lead Institution
Brown University
Principal Investigator
Lai-Sheng Wang
Project type
Exploratory Research
An Integrated Experimental and Theoretical Study of Actinide Clusters
Lead Institution
Brown University
Principal Investigator
Lai-Sheng Wang
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
Bio-Inspired Actinides Recognition for Separation Science
Lead Institution
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Ping Yang