Kelly Wrighton
Colorado State University
Quantifying the Contribution of Methylotrophy to Methane Production from Freshwater Wetlands
Lead Institution
Colorado State University
Principal Investigator
Jared Ellenbogen
Project type
Exploratory Research
Tracking the degradation of fresh particulate organic matter in permeable riverbed sediments using FT-ICR-MS and metagenomic/transcriptomic sequencing
Lead Institution
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Principal Investigator
Eric Roden
Project type
FICUS Research
Rhodospirillum rubrum metabolic state during conversion of CO2 to ethylene
Lead Institution
The Ohio State University
Principal Investigator
Justin North
Project type
Exploratory Research
Understanding microbial dynamics in a biostimulated aquifer using combined Omics approaches
Lead Institution
University of California, Berkeley
Principal Investigator
Jillian Banfield
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
Microbial controls on biogeochemical cycling in deep subsurface shale carbon reservoirs
Lead Institution
Colorado State University
Principal Investigator
Kelly Wrighton
Project type
FICUS Research
High-resolution, parallel measurements of wetland organic carbon and microbial community metabolism under changing redox conditions
Lead Institution
Colorado State University
Principal Investigator
Kelly Wrighton
Project type
Special Science
Biogeochemical and genomic determinants of methane cycling in freshwater wetland sediments
Lead Institution
Colorado State University
Principal Investigator
Kelly Wrighton
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
Deciphering controls on plant decomposition in Arctic ecosystems: Identifying unknown microbial condensed tannin degradation pathways
Lead Institution
Colorado State University
Principal Investigator
Kelly Wrighton
Project type
FICUS Research
Life in the deep terrestrial subsurface: microbial metabolism before and after shale gas extraction
Lead Institution
Colorado State University
Principal Investigator
Michael Wilkins
Project type
Exploratory Research
Shales across scales: Identifying conserved biogeochemistry and microbial metabolism across geographically distinct deep subsurface ecosystems
Lead Institution
Colorado State University
Principal Investigator
Michael Wilkins
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
Methanogenesis in wetland soils: It may not always be as deep as we all thought
Lead Institution
Colorado State University
Principal Investigator
Kelly Wrighton
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
Multi-watershed perturbation-response traits derived through ecological theory
Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
James Stegen
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
Incorporating hydrologic perturbation and microbial processes into carbon budgets from coastal wetland soils
Lead Institution
Colorado State University
Principal Investigator
Kelly Wrighton
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research