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Nathaniel Deskins

Worcester Polytechnic Institute


(gc3564)Nanostructure Formation, Aggregation, and Reactivity

Lead Institution
University at Albany, State University of New York
Principal Investigator
Michel Dupuis
Project type
Capability Research
This project is the outgrowth of several projects currently funded by DOE-BES at PNNL and ANL or new proposals co-authored by the participants and submitted to DOE?s Computational Nanoscience…

(gc3564)Nanostructure Formation, Aggregation, and Reactivity

Lead Institution
Argonne National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Larry Curtiss
Project type
Capability Research
This project is the outgrowth of several projects currently funded by DOE-BES at PNNL and ANL or new proposals co-authored by the participants and submitted to DOE?s Computational Nanoscience…

Understanding Water Splitting on Model Mixed Metal Oxide Photocatalysts

Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Michael Henderson
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
There is a need for new fundamental insights into photocatalytic water splitting particularly how to design catalyst systems that extend the catalytic and photocatalytic functionalities of simple…

Detailing Organic Decomposition Mechanisms over Metal Oxide Catalysts

Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Igor Lyubinetsky
This proposal uses a combination of theory (density functional theory calculations) and experiment (scanning tunneling microscopy) to understand and clarify the surface science and chemistry of metal…