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Vicky Freedman

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory


Research Innovation through Next-Generation Supercomputing (RINGS)

Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Timothy Scheibe
The subsurface environment is highly heterogeneous and structured across a wide range of physical scales. Microorganisms sense and respond to environmental conditions within a very small spatial…

Research Innovation through Next-Generation Supercomputing (RINGS)

Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Timothy Scheibe
The subsurface environment is highly heterogeneous and structured across a wide range of physical scales. Microorganisms sense and respond to environmental conditions within a very small spatial…

Research Innovation through Next-Generation Supercomputing (RINGS)

Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Timothy Scheibe
The subsurface environment is highly heterogeneous and structured across a wide range of physical scales. Microorganisms sense and respond to environmental conditions within a very small spatial…