Zero Emission Research & Technology (ZERT) CO2 Sequestration Leakage Evaluation Task: Parameterization of Leakage from Geologically Sequestered CO2 (PNNL Scope # 46379).
EMSL Project ID
Understanding, characterizing, and ultimately quantifying leakage rates of geologically sequestered CO2 through the confining layers (caprock) is critical to site monitoring and verification (SMV), risk and consequence assessment, global climate change modeling and permitting. Excessive leakage of CO2 would compromise the overall objectives of the carbon sequestration program. Further, leakage has a critical influence on the design of sensor and tracer based monitoring networks and the analysis of data resulting from monitoring. In this task, we experimentally study, and develop methods for the characterization of leakage, and assess the influence of rock-water-CO2 reactions on leakage, using tracers (e.g. Phenanthrene) to charcaterize leakage. Several caprock samples (shale etc) are being tested by exposure to supercritical CO2 containing Phenanthrene at tracer concentrations. The rock and fluid phases are to be analyzed for possible intrusion of CO2 and tracer, which helps assess leakage fluxes. (PNNL scope # 46379)
Project Details
Project type
Exploratory Research
Start Date
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