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Immobilization of radionuclides in the Hanford vadose zone by incorporation in solid phase

EMSL Project ID


The objective of the project are: 1. to investigate the effect of aging on the stability of sorption complexes on Al oxyhydroxides surfaces formed from neutralization and homogeneous nucleation of alkaline aluminate solutions; 2. to investigate the sorption/coprecipitation of different contaminants in solids formed from reaction of alkaline aluminate solutions with the Hanford sediments. The XRD analyses that will be conducted at EMSL will help us to determine the components of the newly formed solid phase during dissolution/precipitation processes.

Project Details

Project type
Exploratory Research
Start Date
End Date


Principal Investigator

Nikolla Qafoku
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

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Qafoku N, CC Ainsworth, JE Szecsody, and O Qafoku. 2003. "Aluminum Effect on Dissolution and Precipitation under Hyperalkaline Conditions: I. Liquid Phase Transformations." Journal of Environmental Quality 32(6):2354-2369.
Qafoku N, CC Ainsworth, JE Szecsody, DL Bish, JS Young, DE McCready, and O Qafoku. 2003. "Aluminum Effect on Dissolution and Precipitation under Hyperalkaline Conditions: II. solid Phase Transformations." Journal of Environmental Quality 32(6):2364-2372.