Enhancing C Sequestration in Terrestrial Ecosystems: Linking C and N cycling in soils (Part of Center for Research on Carbon Sequestration in the Terrestrial...., PNNL SCOPE # 30929).
EMSL Project ID
The objective of this research was to determine how N can control the C cycle in soils. We incubated soils from 5 different ecotypes with varying amounts of N and a fixed amount of C. At predetermined sampling times we sequentially extracted the incubated soils with water, potassium sulphate, and sodium hydroxide. The quantities of C in these extracts as well as that remaining in the soil pellet allow tracking of the transformations of the freshly added materials. We need to analyse these extracts and pellets for total C. The Shimadzu total C analyzer offers this ability.We need HPLC to measure ergosterol in soils and fungi.
Project Details
Project type
Exploratory Research
Start Date
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