proteomics study of Corynebacterium glutamicum.
EMSL Project ID
Under a previous user proposal, we have initiated the proteomic characterization of this organism using the living-cell reaction process to characterize the interaction cell growth and metabolism pathways in C. glutamicum R. The proteome of C. glutamicum R maintained under various conditions (including the living-cell reaction conditions [growth suppressed conditions]) will be described and an Accurate Mass Tagged (AMT) database created. The AMT database will serve as a valuable tool for future proteomics studies. Under this rapid access proposal, we would like to use the newly annotated genome of C. glutamicum to search for unusual proteins and peptides such as very short peptides and overlapping proteins; moreover, it would be extremely useful to confirm the start sites of as many proteins as possible in order to improve the annotation of the genome of this organism.
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Limited Scope
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