Surface/Interface Induced Nucleation and Phase/Structure Evolution and the Correlation to the Performance Boosting/Fading of Advanced Energy Storage Materials
EMSL Project ID
The goal of this proposal is to investigate the surface/interface effect on the synthesis and structure evolution of advanced energy storage materials and the correlation of these changes to the device performance. Specifically, nanostructured composite materials for high capacity Li-ion and Li-sulfur batteries including functionalized graphene sheets (FGS)-metal oxide nanocomposites, silicon-carbon nanocomposites and sulfur-mesoporous carbon nanocomposites will be synthesized by controlling the surface/interface chemistry of building blocks. Ex-situ/in-situ characterization, electrochemical measurements, and theoretical modeling will be carried out to understand the surface/interface effect to the material structure evolution and the device performance at both levels of the nanocomposite materials and the energy storage devices. The proposed work will be focused on 1) synthesis of nanocomposite materials by tuning the surface/interface chemistry of the components; 2) ex-situ and in-situ characterization of the nucleation and phase and structure evolution of the nanocomposites; 3) understand how the surface/interface interaction controls the structure and property of the final products with theoretical simulation; 4) correlate the surface chemistry and nanocomposite structure evolution with the electrochemical performance.
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Large-Scale EMSL Research
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