Methods for Determining the Irradiation Response of Structural
Materials for Nuclear Reactor Core Structural Materials Development
EMSL Project ID
Radiation induced changes in microstructure that adversely affects dimensional stability and mechanical properties is still the life-limiting degradation process for many nuclear reactor core internals. In light water reactors, irradiation-induced hardening and compositional segregation of reactor core support structure materials makes them more susceptible to stress corrosion cracking (SCC) while differential void swelling between components can create stresses that drive SCC. In fast reactors, irradiation induced void swelling or irradiation-induced reductions in fracture toughness can limit the lifetime of fuel cladding and duct. Understanding how irradiation-induced changes in microstructure affect material properties remains a prime concern for these types of components, and a number of DOE programs have a goal of understanding irradiation effects on nuclear reactor core materials and producing optimized materials.This proposal seeks to use EMSL facilities to study irradiation effects on the microstructure of reactor core materials with the goal of producing optimized alloys. The current emphasis for this proposal is on fast reactor clad and duct materials. In particular, there is a strong interest in correlating microstructures produced by neutron irradiation and by surrogate ion irradiation. Ion irradiations are viewed as a potential tool to perform rapid screening and estimation of neutron irradiation resistance. This has yet to be proven in detail, and thus careful analysis and comparison of neutron and ion irradiated materials are required. EMSL FIB, APT, and ToF-SIMS facilities are needed to enable this research.
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