Development and testing of efficient off-loading strategies for many-body electronic structure methods
EMSL Project ID
We propose to further modernize the NWChem suite of computational chemistry codes towards effective utilization of the emergent hybrid parallel computer systems based on the Intel Many Integrated Core Architecture (Intel MIC) technology. The proposed research presents a unique opportunity to make major breakthroughs in performance enhancements of several key implementations of many-body techniques which are indispensable for a comprehensive understanding of complex chemical transformations. In particular, our focus will be on the development of efficient offloading procedures for iterative coupled methods and excited-state formulations. Modernized codes will be applicable to several BER relevant science drivers like, studies of aerosol particles, soil chemistry, biosystems, hormone-cofactor functionality in proteins, ionic liquids in cells, and large-scale reaction mechanisms, and will be able to take full advantage of EMSL Intel MIC based CASCADE parallel systems.
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