Advanced Techniques for Nuclear Materials Characterization
EMSL Project ID
PNNL is home to state of the art research capabilities, which are often underutilized on radioactive samples due to non-dispersion requirements and limits on sample quantity that can enter workspaces. This gap highlights the need for PNNL to advance subsampling methods to exploit the full potential of PNNL capabilities. This work seeks to use combination focused ion beam/scanning electron microscopes (FIB/SEM) located in the EMSL Radiochemistry Annex and the Radiochemical Processing Laboratory to subsample radioactive samples for analysis on instruments at EMSL, including but not limited to atom probe tomography and nano-secondary ion mass spectrometry. Rad engineers have given approval for various sample types for this work. Successful implementation of a adequate subsampling and fixed-mounting of radioactive samples for analysis on EMSL instruments will put PNNL at the forefront of actinide material science, which will result in publications, new collaborations, and return on investment.
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