GoBrachy: Developing a Metabolite-Trait Association Network Model for Carbon Allocation in Brachypodium
EMSL Project ID
Aboveground biomass (AGBM) and belowground biomass (BGBM) of Brachypodium lines will be harvested at week seven and parallel lines will be allowed to grow to senescence (B. distachyon) or longer (B. sylvaticum and B. pinnatum) for measurement of AGBM and BGBM. High-coverage and multi-platform metabolomics will be performed on AGBM and BGBM. Multi-platform metabolite profiles will be summarized to obtain non-redundant data and regression analyses will be employed to remove platform-specific bias and noise . Trait data will be pretreated to remove correlation with genetic population structure and used together with metabolite profiles to generate a Metabolite Trait Association Network. Cross validation and independent experiments will be used to validate the derived model. Metabolite profiles will be used to build a Brachypodium Metabolite Database.
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