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Unraveling Mechanisms of Complex Associations of Organic Carbon with Iron Oxide Minerals during Redox Transformations

EMSL Project ID


Fe(III)-oxide nanominerals are ubiquitous primary sorbents of organic carbon, organic acid exudates, and toxic metals in terrestrial, aquatic, and subsurface ecosystems. In soil ecosystems, particularly in the rhizosphere, this co-association has profound impacts on the form and bioavailability of iron to plants and organisms, carbon cycling and the uptake of coupled nutrients and contaminants. At a molecular level the nature of these associations, in particular how they evolve through redox transformation of the iron component, is poorly understood. In principle, this could range from complexation of carbon and metal species at specific sites on iron oxide surfaces, to physical incorporation within the iron oxide structure during co-precipitation or recrystallization. Such processes are often catalyzed by sorbed Fe(II)(aq) from microbially-mediated anaerobic conditions.
We propose to capitalize on team momentum based on integrating EMSL capabilities, stable isotopic tracer studies, and high-performance computing, that together have elucidated mechanisms of redox-catalyzed recrystallization of hematite and goethite, to transition into the more complex hierarchical soil biogeochemistry problem of understanding i) Fe(II)-catalyzed transformation of ferrihydrite to goethite, ii) the influence and fate of natural organic matter (NOM). Ferrihydrite is one of the most bioavailable solid iron forms. Preliminary research by our team has established that spontaneous transformation of ferrihydrite anaerobically to less bioavailable phases such as goethite is accelerated almost 1000x by aqueous Fe(II). It has also established that though this nominally facile transformation is inhibited by sorbed NOM, while iron atom exchange between aqueous Fe(II) and ferrihydrite Fe(III) continues. We will approach the mechanistic complexity in this system by systematically evaluating the effects of NOM on the Fe(II)-catalyzed transformation of ferrihydrite, characterizing in molecular-detail the phase and speciation outcomes. We will exploit a diversity of EMSL capabilities, including high resolution electron microscopy and mass-spectrometric imaging and tomography, to tease apart transformation pathways traced by isotopic labeling of key species.
This project will lead to high-impact publications in science areas well-aligned with DOE OBER's stated priority science directions, such as Grand Challenge 4.4 which is to align and deepen connections among conceptual understanding, measurements, and models related to the roles of microbes in determining the rate of transformation, uptake, and loss of chemical elements from ecosystems. And the proposed work helps EMSL fulfill its primary mission as a national scientific user facility, which is to lead molecular-level discoveries for the DOE OBER that translate to predictive understanding and accelerated solutions for national energy and environmental challenges.

Project Details

Project type
Exploratory Research
Start Date
End Date


Principal Investigator

Kevin Rosso
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory


Michelle Scherer
University of Iowa

Team Members

Mavis Boamah
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Zaoyan Wan
Nanjing University of Science & Technology

Narendra Adhikari
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Nabajit Lahiri
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Jianbin Zhou
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Xiaopeng Huang
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Maxime Pouvreau
Washington State University

Xin Zhang
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Sandra Taylor
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Richard Collins
University of New South Wales

Paul Bagus
University of North Texas

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