Measuring Physical, Chemical and Optical Properties and Ice Nucleation Activities of Aerosol Particles in the European Arctic
EMSL Project ID
Aerosols in the Arctic have important but poorly constrained impacts on the regional climate. They affect the regional radiation and energy budgets directly by absorbing (warming effect) and scattering (cooling effect) incoming solar radiation, and indirectly by serving as ice nucleating particles (INP) to affect precipitation, lifetime, and radiative properties of clouds affect precipitation, lifetime, and radiative properties of clouds. However, the regional radiative forcing of Arctic aerosols is highly variable due to limited understanding in the source, physical (e.g., shape, morphology, phase state, hygroscopicity) and chemical (e.g., chemical composition), and optical (light scattering and absorption) properties. This study aims to improve our current understanding of 1) the source, physicochemical and optical properties of aerosols in the European Arctic; and 2) the role of different aerosols (e.g., carbonaceous aerosols, biological aerosols, and sea salt aerosols) in ice cloud formation. Online optical and size distribution measurements and sample collection were performed at the Italian Observatory of Gruvebadet, a typical Arctic observatory site, from 2021. Collected samples will be analyzed at EMSL analytical facility (high-resolution microscopy and advanced mass spectrometry platforms) to determine their physical, chemical, optical, microphysical properties and their roles in ice nucleation. The detailed molecular composition of aerosols will also be investigated. By combining satellite observation, in-situ measurements, and offline analysis from ESML, we will improve our current understanding of aerosols' climate effects over the European Arctic.
Project Details
Project type
Exploratory Research
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