Controlling the Thermal and Non-Thermal Reactivities of Metal Oxide Structures Through Nanoscaling - Controlling Reactivities of Metal Oxide Strcutures(Mike Henderson's BES Project - 43626)
EMSL Project ID
The constrained dimensions in nanoscaled materials produces unique chemical properties that will form the basis for important new technologies. A key scientific challenge is to understand how to tailor materials to generate specific novel properties and functionalities. The wide range of physical and chemical phenomena exhibited by bulk metal oxides suggests that diverse new chemical properties will result from carefully designed nanostructured oxide materials. Currently, remarkably little is known of the chemical behavior of nanoscaled systems based on oxides. We propose an integrated fundamental study of the thermal and non-thermal chemistries of nanoscaled metal oxides. Nanoscale oxide interfaces with well-defined sizes and electronic structures will be synthesized using state-of-the-art oxide film growth techniques. The proposed nanoscale systems will incorporate oxide heterojunctions designed to separate electron/hole pairs generated via non-thermal excitations (photons or energetic electrons). The physical properties of these structures will be examined in a coordinated experimental and theoretical program. In particular, control of the thermal and non-thermal chemistries of the resulting systems will be investigated with the goal of designing nanoscaled structures to optimize the mechanisms of important surface reactions, such as water splitting. The research proposed here will result in the ability to design and grow unique nanoscale oxide structures with predictable chemical reactivities. Such control over thermal and non-thermal surface chemistry will revolutionize the value of oxide materials for energy efficient chemical transformations through the combined application of advanced materials synthesis, chemical reactivity-characterization, and theoretical methods. The demonstrated expertise of our research team, in nanosciences, metal oxide synthesis, and electronic structure theory, in conjunction with the substantial facilities at the EMSL/PNNL constitute an unequaled atmosphere for executing this proposed work.
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Exploratory Research
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Related Publications
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