Protein Adsorption at the Metal Oxide/Water Interface by Second Harmonic Generation
EMSL Project ID
This EMSL Partner Proposal is designed to push EMSL’s current capability in Second Harmonic Generation spectroscopy to analyze protein adsorption at the mineral/water interface both on single crystals and on colloidal suspensions. OmcA, an outer membrane protein from the dissimilatory metal-reducing bacteria (DMRB) Shewanella oneidensis MR-1, will be specifically studied in order to gain an understanding of the redox behavior of adsorbed heme proteins on mineral surfaces. This work will specifically address three important scientific questions: (i) What are the rates and stabilities of OmcA adsorption on mineral surfaces? (ii) How do surface charge/potential affect the redox state of adsorbed proteins? (iii) Are adsorbed proteins preferentially oriented at the mineral/water interface? The partnership between EMSL and University of Wyoming help fulfill these aims.
Project Details
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
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