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Solid State NMR Characterization of Hydrogenase

EMSL Project ID


Hydrogenase is a naturally occurring enzyme that efficiently converts H2->2H+ + 2e- and is reversible. Producing synthetic catalysts with these properties is highly desirable, but current analogs cannot match the low overpotentials and the fastest rates of the enzyme. Understanding how the enzyme works is an essential first step in the intelligent development of synthetic catalysts. A thorough understanding of the structure will likely reveal key details in functional properties of the enzyme. This work proposes to investigate the full structure of hydrogenase using solid state NMR, including the unique 900 MHz capability housed in the EMSL facility.

Project Details

Project type
Exploratory Research
Start Date
End Date


Principal Investigator

Wendy Shaw
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Team Members

Edwin van der Eide
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Related Publications

Chua YS, W Li, WJ Shaw, G Wu, T Autrey, Z Xiong, MW Wong, and P Chen. 2012. "Mechanistic Investigation on the Formation and Dehydrogenation of Calcium Amidoborane Ammoniate." ChemSusChem 5(5):927-931. doi:10.1002/cssc.201100523