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Ab initio molecular dynamics study of the hydrogen oxidation mechanism by Ni-based catalysts

EMSL Project ID


Abstract. Recent advances in transition-metal-based bio-inspired catalysts obtained in the Energy Frontier Research Center (EFRC) on "Molecular Electrocatalysis" (PI: Dr. Morris Bullock, PNNL) showed the possibility to generate H2 or to cleave H2 heterolytically with a proficiency approaching that of the hydrogenase enzymes. Herein, we propose a detailed atomistic study of the reaction steps of the hydrogen oxidation carried out by a novel class of Ni-based catalysts developed in the EFRC. In these complexes hydrogen activation involves the interaction of a dihydrogen species with pendant amine bases incorporated in a six-member ring, which act as proton relays. The catalytic cycle will be investigated by hybrid quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics simulations along with enhanced sampling techniques to reconstruct free-energy landscapes. Both solvent and counterions will be explicitly considered using atomistic empirical potentials, while the catalyst and the hydrogen molecule will be described within the density functional theory framework. We will try to characterize the factors tuning structural rigidity and flexibility of the ligand spheres and how these factors might facilitate the delivery of protons via bond breaking and formation. Catalytic pathways and intermediates will be verified against cyclic voltammetry measurements of catalytic currents and NMR measurements. All of the calculation will be carried out using the CP2K and the NWChem programs.

Project Details

Project type
Exploratory Research
Start Date
End Date


Principal Investigator

Simone Raugei
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Team Members

Ming-Hsun Ho
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Shentan Chen
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Roger Rousseau
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Bojana Ginovska
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Michel Dupuis
University at Albany, State University of New York

James Franz
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Related Publications

Chen S, S Raugei, RJ Rousseau, M Dupuis, and RM Bullock. 2010. "Homogeneous Ni catalysts for H2 Oxidation and Production: An Assessment of Theoretical Methods, from Density Functional Theory to Post Hartree-Fock Correlated Wave-Function Theory ." Journal of Physical Chemistry A 114(48):12716-12724. doi:10.1021/jp106800n
Raugei S, S Chen, MH Ho, B Ginovska-Pangovska, RJ Rousseau, M Dupuis, DL DuBois, and RM Bullock. 2011. "The Role of Pendant Amines in the Breaking and Forming of Molecular Hydrogen Catalyzed by Nickel Complexes." PNNL-SA-83517, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA.
Yang JY, S Chen, WG Dougherty, WS Kassel, RM Bullock, DL DuBois, S Raugei, RJ Rousseau, M Dupuis, and M Rakowski DuBois. 2010. "Hydrogen Oxidation Catalysis by a Nickel Diphosphine Complex with Pendant tert-Butyl Amines." Chemical Communications 46:8618-8620. doi:10.1039/C0CC03246H