Fe Speciation of FutureGen Rock before and after Reaction in Rock-Brine-CO2/O2 with Mössbauer Spectroscopy
EMSL Project ID
Geologic carbon sequestration (GCS) by injecting CO2 into deep geological formations such as saline aquifers is considered to be one of the viable options for reducing anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases. However, during this process toxic metals (e.g., As) associated with the reservoir rock or caprock may leach into the brine which could leak through fractures, faults, or faulty wells into overlying groundwater aquifers. Toxic metals are most often associated with Fe-minerals. Isotopic specific 57Fe-Mössbauer spectroscopy is sensitive to oxidation state, coordination symmetry, and magnetic properties, of Fe-species. In this proposed work, Mössbauer spectroscopy, coupled with other techniques, will be used to better understand the leaching behavior and the mechanisms that control the leaching of toxic metals from rock under GCS conditions. It will also help to develop a mechanistic understanding of the effect of oxygen in CO2 on the leaching of toxic metals from GCS reservoirs.
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