Structure and Chemistry at the Buried Solid/Aqueous Solution Interfaces with Advanced Surface Nonlinear Spectroscopy
EMSL Project ID
Solid/aqueous solution interface are ubiquitous and important in energy and environmental research. We propose to investigate benchmark systems in the interface sciences to find novel applications of EMSL's unique surface spectroscopy and dynamics capability and platform, especially the newly developed sub-wavenumber high-resolution broadband sum-frequency generation vibrational spectrometer (HR-BB-SFG-VS), to study the vibrational spectroscopy, structure and interactions at solid/aqueous solution interfaces, focusing on the mica, titanium oxide and cellulose material surfaces. The uniqueness of this platform results from fully utilizing the recent instrumentation and methodology developments in surface nonlinear spectroscopy. Specific tools and novel experimental setups to study aqueous solution/oxide surfaces and heterogeneous catalytic solid surfaces are to be developed.
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