Using culture-independent methods to link active compound-specific carbon degradation to greenhouse gas production and recycling in natural populations of permafrost microbes
EMSL Project ID
The initial focus of this work will be to improve sample handling of microbial samples to aid in FISH, Imaging Mass Spectrometry, and other spatially-resolved analyses. In initial efforts, we will leverage samples already in residence at EMSL including Psuedomonas fluorescence samples already produced for the Synthetic Soil Habitats and Pore-Scale Micromodels initiative by Jayde Aufrecht and Darian Smercina. We have preliminary data that strongly suggests that progress will be rapid in this development. We will ship microbial samples, extracted from soil core incubations from our Arctic terrestrial permafrost project, later in the fiscal year. These samples will be concentrated using the methods in development at EMSL for NanoSIMS analysis for 13C abundance in individual microbes. An overview of our larger research objectives is attached.
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