Soil Function Across Variably Inundated Environments - Tidal Systems
EMSL Project ID
We aim to generate knowledge, data, and models that are transferable across Earth’s variably inundated ecosystems. We are focused on the integrated hydro-biogeochemistry of soils in these diverse systems. Of particular interest is understanding how inundation history shapes the physical, chemical, and biological environment and how those components jointly lead to emergent biogeochemical fluxes, including shifts in fluxes in response to altered inundation states. In this proposal we are targeting sites that experience variable inundation due to tides. The objective is to generate a foundational dataset for comparative analyses of the physical-chemical-biological environment and how that integrated environment is related to fluxes (e.g., CO2 production). We further aim to leverage the large number of MONet samples across soil environments that may not be variably inundated. By merging data from systems that are and are not variably inundated we can evaluate the hypothesis that the physical-chemical-biological environment of all variably inundated systems clusters near soil systems from wet/humid regions (and away from arid soils). This is a starting hypothesis and characterization effort ultimately aimed at generating refined hypotheses to guide follow-on sampling and modeling efforts. In addition, our collective team plans to submit additional MONet proposals to cover other types of variably inundated environments. These will include hillslopes with surface runoff, non-perennial streams, temporary ponds, wetlands, floodplains, coastal systems inundated due to storms, and soil systems engineered to enable specific/controlled inundation regimes.
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