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As a scientific user facility, the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL) provides expertise, instrumentation, and resources to 250 projects each year. 

EMSL projects displayed on the EMSL web site project page reflect project abstracts and information migrated to this page before April 30, 2024. To review current and past EMSL user projects, visit EMSL Science Central.™ 


  • Projects beginning at or after given date.
    Projects ending at or before given date.

Gene function discovery in photosynthesis: A multi-omics approach

Lead Institution
University of California, Berkeley
Principal Investigator
Sabeeha Merchant
Project type
FICUS Research
Photosynthesis is the defining characteristic of plants enabling the capture and transformation of sunlight into bioenergy and has been the focus of plant research for centuries. Remarkably, whole…

Rhizosphere effects on soil organic matter decomposition and microbial activity in a tropical rainforest under drought: unearthing aggregate- to ecosystem-scale contributions to carbon cycling through whole-ecosystem stable isotope labeling

Lead Institution
University of Arizona
Principal Investigator
Malak Tfaily
Project type
FICUS Research
Interactions at the plant-soil-microbe nexus are difficult to track given the complex networks of species and metabolites involved, in addition to the general challenges to studying heterogeneous and…

Characterization of Self-Incompatibility in the Bioenergy Grass Miscanthus

Lead Institution
HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology
Principal Investigator
Kankshita Swaminathan
Project type
FICUS Research
Miscanthus is a widely adapted high biomass perennial grass, commonly grown as an ornamental, that shows promise as a bioenergy crop. Most available Miscanthus lines, including the high yielding…

Integrative analysis of multi-omic data across NEON eco-climatic regions

Lead Institution
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Principal Investigator
Jeffrey Blanchard
Project type
FICUS Research
Our climate crisis, resulting from changes in interacting climate variables (temperature, rainfall, atmospheric chemistry) over the last century, has impacted all ecosystems on the surface of the…