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As a scientific user facility, the Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL) provides expertise, instrumentation, and resources to 250 projects each year. 

EMSL projects displayed on the EMSL web site project page reflect project abstracts and information migrated to this page before April 30, 2024. To review current and past EMSL user projects, visit EMSL Science Central.™ 


  • Projects beginning at or after given date.
    Projects ending at or before given date.

Midgley MONet Request

Lead Institution
The Morton Arboretum
Principal Investigator
Meghan Midgley
Project type
Using a series of mature, mono-specific forestry plots, our collaborative team here at The Morton Arboretum together with our partners outside the Arboretum are addressing interdisciplinary questions…

Soil Function Across Variably Inundated Environments - Tidal Systems

Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Peter Regier
Project type
We aim to generate knowledge, data, and models that are transferable across Earth’s variably inundated ecosystems. We are focused on the integrated hydro-biogeochemistry of soils in these diverse…

NEON Contract FY24

Lead Institution
Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Sarah Leichty
Project type
MONet has an ILA in place to obtain the services of BCO who operates the National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) for a soil sampling effort of terrestrial field sites. BCO will obtain soil…

MONet Test Samples for Analytics

Lead Institution
Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Sarah Leichty
Project type
A key aspect of MONet is incorporating biogeochemical and microbial process data streams to facilitate parameterization of key variables of multiscale models with eventual coupling to larger-scale…

Ward Jones MONet Request

Lead Institution
University of Alaska Fairbanks
Principal Investigator
Melissa Ward Jones
Project type
Climate warming is benefitting high latitude agriculture by increasing air temperatures and the growing season length. However, permafrost (perennially frozen ground) thaw is accelerating and causing…

Becklin MONet Request

Lead Institution
Syracuse University
Principal Investigator
Katie Becklin
Project type
Climate change is altering the timing of important developmental events, such as when plants emerge, flower, and senesce during the growing season. These phenological events determine the timing of…

PI Goemann MONet Request

Lead Institution
Montana State University
Principal Investigator
Hannah Goemann
Project type
Just as humans rely on a healthy gut microbiome for resilience to illness, plants rely on a healthy root microbiome for resilience to environmental abiotic stress (heat, drought). To achieve a…

Ricketts MONet Request

Lead Institution
Argonne National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Michael Ricketts
Project type
Switchgrass is a potential bioenergy feedstock and has adapted to a wide range of environments by exhibiting a variety of trait combinations that has resulted in multiple ecotypes across its range…

Characterization of soil functions following forest conversion

Lead Institution
United States Department of Agriculture - Forest Service
Principal Investigator
Carl Trettin
Project type
The objective of this proposal is to characterize changes in soil functions associated conversion of the forest cover type from loblolly pine (Pinus taeda) to longleaf pine (Pinus palustris). This…

Soil mineralogy control on SOC stability in soils

Lead Institution
United States Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Research Service
Principal Investigator
Zamir Libohova
Project type
Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) pools and stability are influenced by interactions between climate, management, and soil properties. Numerous studies have determined the size and stability of SOC pools by…

Waldbauer MONet Request

Lead Institution
University of Chicago
Principal Investigator
Jacob Waldbauer
Project type
The Arctic is warming twice as fast as the rest of the planet, and Arctic soils currently store twice as much carbon as the entire atmosphere. These two facts make understanding how Arctic soil…

Redlins MONet Request

Lead Institution
Oregon State University
Principal Investigator
Alexander Redlins
Project type
Hydraulic redistribution (HR) is the passive movement of water within the soil profile via biological pathways (namely roots and fungal hyphae) from wetter areas to drier areas. The translocation of…