Michael Portman
Seattle Children's Research Institute
Heart Metabolomics during ventricular unloading
Lead Institution
Seattle Children's Research Institute
Principal Investigator
Michael Portman
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
Analysis of metabolic responses to signals from the oncogene c-Myc a regulator of cell growth and proliferation.
Lead Institution
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Principal Investigator
Fionnuala Morrish
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
Thyroid Hormone and Myocardial Substrate Use with Aging
Lead Institution
Seattle Children's Research Institute
Principal Investigator
Michael Portman
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
Cardiac Metabolism and Protein Synthesis during Extracorporeal Life Support
Lead Institution
Seattle Children's Research Institute
Principal Investigator
Michael Portman
Project type
Exploratory Research
Substrate Oxidation and Protein Synthesis Integration in a Complex Biological System
Lead Institution
Seattle Children's Research Institute
Principal Investigator
Michael Portman
Substrate Oxidation and Protein Synthesis Integration in a Complex Biological System
Lead Institution
Seattle Children's Research Institute
Principal Investigator
Michael Portman
Integration of Substrate Oxidation with Protein Synthesis and Cellular Signaling in a Complex Biological System
Lead Institution
Seattle Children's Research Institute
Principal Investigator
Michael Portman
Integration of Substrate Oxidation with Protein Synthesis and Cellular Signaling in a Complex Biological System
Lead Institution
Seattle Children's Research Institute
Principal Investigator
Michael Portman
Integration of Substrate Oxidation with Protein Synthesis and Cellular Signaling in a Complex Biological System
Lead Institution
Seattle Children's Research Institute
Principal Investigator
Michael Portman
Thyroid Regulation of Cardiac Metabolism
Lead Institution
Seattle Children's Research Institute
Principal Investigator
Michael Portman
Project type
Capability Research
Cell metabolism and c-Myc-induced growth, proliferation and neoplasia.
Lead Institution
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
Principal Investigator
Fionnuala Morrish
Project type
Capability Research