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Developing in-spectrometer photochemistry and integration of molecular imaging techniques: Probing photoinduced electronic structure variations in dye-sensitized TiO2 model system

EMSL Project ID


The aim of this project is to develop capabilities that will advance the fundamental understanding of charge transfer and photochemical behavior of organic molecular layers on surfaces as applicable to solar cells, sensors and contaminant reduction. This would be accomplished by using model film systems, applying existing and newly developed tools to characterize film structure and order at multiple dimensions and by measuring the impact of relevant parameters such as film structure, substrate preparation and chemistry on the electronic and photoinduced electronic variations. These results on the model system will provide critical insight into the fundamental aspects of the energy level alignments that govern electron-transfer dynamics from the organic dye to TiO2, but which are unavailable from current examination of dye-sensitized TiO2 particles used in solar cells. The structural characterization of the films will involve different degrees of spatial and molecular resolution involving XPS, TOF-SIMS, a new fluorescence capability added to the ToF-SIMS, and at the highest spatial resolution PEEM. Electronic structure and photoinduced electronic structure will be measured by UPS and XPS by adding an optical capability to the new scanning multiprobe surface analysis system. Therefore, this effort will further enhance the important instrumental capability on the scanning multiprobe surface analysis (Versa Probe) and ToF-SIMS instruments as well as provide new expertise in characterization and function of molecular film structures.

Project Details

Start Date
End Date


Principal Investigator

Ponnusamy Nachimuthu
Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory

Team Members

Archana Pandey
Michigan Technological University

Shanmugam Puvanendran
Western Michigan University

Zihua Zhu
Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory

Michael Henderson
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Kenneth Beck
Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory

Theva Thevuthasan
Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory

Donald Baer
Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory

Bruce Parkinson
Colorado State University

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Reid DL, KR Kreitz, MA Stephens, J King, P Nachimuthu, EL Petersen, and S Seal. 2011. "Development of Highly Active Titania-Based Nanoparticles for Energetic Materials." PNNL-SA-80602, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. [Unpublished]