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Development of a Universal Multiplex Assay System fot High-Throughput Biological Applications

EMSL Project ID


Recent advances in genomics, proteomics, and metabolomics make the 'omics' technologies powerful discovery-based tools for identifying candidate biomarkers for human diseases; however, it has not been successful so far to establish new biomarkers for clinical practice by utilizing these technologies. The main bottleneck lies in the lack of effective tools for high-throughput validation. To overcome this bottleneck I propose to develop a novel 'reagent-free' mass spectrometry-based universal multiplex assay system that will provide high throughput quantitative measurements for hundreds of low-abundance protein and metabolite analytes, independent of antibody-based reagents. The goal for this technology platform is to achieve a profound advance over current MS-platforms by providing >1000-fold enhancement in analyte signal intensities, sufficient for detecting low-abundance species, and >5000-fold improvement in resolving power for extremely high specificity detection. These advances will be achieved by developing and integrating 1) a novel subambient pressure ionization source with nanoelectrospray array, 2) advanced ion-funnel interfaces, 3) novel multi-stage gas-phase ion mobility technology (differential mobility analyzer coupled to field asymmetric ion mobility spectrometry) for separating and selecting analytes of interest, and (4) a new triple-stage pentaquardrupole (QqQqQ) mass spectrometer for further isolating as well as detecting ions.

Project Details

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Principal Investigator

Weijun Qian
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Team Members

Tujin Shi
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

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