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Omics Data Generation Center (ODGC) for the Acute to Chronic Pain Signatures (A2CPS)

EMSL Project ID


the overall objective of this PNNL-Pittsburgh Omics Data Generation Center component (PP-ODGC) is to develop and implement high throughput omics-based assays for quantifying a broad and diverse set of molecular players associated with acute to chronic pain conversion with the goal to develop predictive signatures as well as inform upon relevant molecular mechanisms. To accomplish this objective, we are bringing together advanced mass spectrometry (MS) multi-omics capabilities (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, PNNL) and high throughput screening capabilities (Luminex Core at University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, UPMC) to accurately detect and quantify a broad spectrum of prospective targets.
The specific aims below provide a current strategy and emphasis on specific targets within the current scope and rationale of the A2CPS program. However, based upon previous experience in similar programs, e.g., the MoTrPAC (Molecular Transducers of Physical Activity Consortium), we recognize that priorities and resources can change substantially in the planning phase. Hence, we also strongly stress the flexibility in our strategy and capabilities to adapt and meet the needs of the program moving forward. The overall Specific Aims are:
Aim 1. Pre-Analysis: To facilitate the communication and interaction with the MCCs, CCC, and DIRC to streamline sample handling/control efforts for timely initiation of the study and subsequent analysis.
a. Through close association with MCCs and the CCC, and drawing from previous extensive experience in large clinical study analysis, we will help plan and generate sample protocols for a seamless transition of samples to the ODGC for analysis.
b. In collaboration with the DIRC, we will assist in the development of tracking and metadata protocols for the downstream data generation streams.
Aim 2. Analysis: To provide core ODGC components for the identification and quantification of omics targets for the verification of molecular signatures of acute to chronic pain conversion.
c. Protein candidates will be evaluated using a two prong MS-based discovery and targeted strategy, where the final candidates will transition to the high throughput assay platforms such as Luminex.
Aim 3. Post-Analysis: To integrate efforts with the DIRC in addressing the storage, flow, and format of the quantitative analysis data and sample metadata and downstream informatics analyses.
a. We will work with the DIRC to facilitate seamless data flow from the ODGC to the DIRC in a transparent standardized format for access by the A2CPS program.
b. We will use our past experience in multi-omics studies to help analyze and integrate the various data streams in a collaborative fashion with the DIRC.

Project Details

Start Date
End Date


Principal Investigator

Jon Jacobs
Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory

Team Members

Weijun Qian
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory