Investigating the Effect of Negative Arm Protein Conformations on the Circadian Post-Transcriptional Regulation of Cellulases.
Lead Institution
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Principal Investigator
Jennifer Hurley
Project type
FICUS Research
Probing Atmospheric Nanoplastics: An Unrecognized Urban Source of Airborne Particles
Lead Institution
Purdue University
Principal Investigator
Alexander Laskin
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
The thiol redox proteome dynamics in Arabidopsis thaliana in response to light
Lead Institution
Universidad de Sevilla
Principal Investigator
Francisco Javier Cejudo
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
Unraveling the biochemical and metabolic networks controlling bacterial cellulose biosynthesis
Lead Institution
University of Kentucky
Principal Investigator
Kendall Corbin
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
Computational Mechanistic Studies of Methyl-coenzyme M Reductase Enzyme
Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Bojana Ginovska
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
Identification of Individual Particle Chemical Composition, Morphology, and Ice Nucleation Properties in the Arctic
Lead Institution
University of Michigan
Principal Investigator
Kerri Pratt
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
Mass-spectral 'fingerprinting' of technical and native lignin substrates for improved biological funneling and enzyme discovery
Lead Institution
University of British Columbia
Principal Investigator
Steven Hallam
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
Structural and functional dissection of a cell cycle chromatin switch in green algae
Lead Institution
Donald Danforth Plant Science Center
Principal Investigator
James Umen
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
Characterization of the Aerobiome during ARM Surface-Atmosphere Integrated Laboratory (SAIL) Campaign
Lead Institution
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Maria Zawadowicz
Project type
FICUS Research
Characterizing primary biological aerosol particles during TRACER
Lead Institution
University of Michigan
Principal Investigator
Allison Steiner
Project type
FICUS Research
Understanding Product Selectivity of Monoterpene Synthases Using Atomistic Simulations
Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Hoshin Kim
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
Atomistic Simulations of the Discriminatory Power of Desaturase
Lead Institution
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Marcel Baer
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
Towards Aerosol-Ice Formation Closure – Chemical Imaging Investigation of Aerosol and Ice Nucleating Particles
Lead Institution
State University of New York at Stony Brook
Principal Investigator
Daniel Knopf
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
Deciphering plant-plant, plant-microbe, and plant-soil interactions driving biological invasion in a southwestern desert grassland
Lead Institution
University of Arizona
Principal Investigator
Malak Tfaily
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
Deciphering the structure and function of the last unknown major plant organelle - Plasmodesma
Lead Institution
Washington State University
Principal Investigator
Michael Knoblauch
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
Molecular controls of microbial nitrogen use efficiency in agricultural soils
Lead Institution
United States Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Research Service
Principal Investigator
Amisha Poret-Peterson
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
Inferring Kinetic Models for Large-Scale Biochemical Networks
Lead Institution
University of Washington
Principal Investigator
Herbert Sauro
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
Plant proteome structure-function and pKa prediction augmented with environmental considerations, Deep Learning and integrated datasets
Lead Institution
Johns Hopkins University
Principal Investigator
Carolyn Fitch
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
Revealing oxalate-mediated carbon flow through plant-fungal-bacterial rhizosphere interactions as part of a globally important carbon-sequestering biogeochemical process
Lead Institution
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Buck Hanson
Project type
Large-Scale EMSL Research
Seasonal vertical aerosol profiling for aerosol-cloud-precipitation interactions to advance mountainous hydrological process science
Lead Institution
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Allison Aiken
Project type
FICUS Research