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Janette Myers

Oregon Health & Science University


Structure of the TRAMP RNA surveillance complex

Lead Institution
Utah State University
Principal Investigator
Sean Johnson
This proposal seeks access to the PNCC cryo-EM facility in order to obtain structural information for the TRAMP (Trf4-Air2-Mtr4 polyadenylation) complex. The goal is to better understand assembly of…

Cryo-EM studies of TRP channels

Lead Institution
Duke University
Principal Investigator
Seok-Yong Lee
Transient receptor potential (TRP) channels are a superfamily of calcium-permeable ion channels that are involved in diverse physiological processes. A subset of TRP channels that are known as the…

Biosynthesis, assembly and secretion of cell surface polysaccharides

Lead Institution
University of Virginia
Principal Investigator
Jochen Zimmer
All forms of life produce extracellular complex carbohydrate to form cell walls, protective coats, or to define an extracellular matrix aiding in cell-to-cell communication and adhesion. Cellulose, a…

Collaborative Access Team: Pacific Northwest Cryo-EM Center (PNCC)

Lead Institution
Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory
Principal Investigator
James Evans
PNNL will create and operate the Pacific Northwest Center for Cryo-EM (PNCC), a state-of-the-art national center for cryo-electron microscopy (Cryo-EM) that will rapidly and efficiently collect and…

Obtaining the open-pore conformation of the NMDA receptor

Lead Institution
Oregon Health & Science University
Principal Investigator
Eric Gouaux
NMDA receptors (NMDARs) are responsible for the fast-component of the excitatory neurotransmission in the central nervous system, along with AMPA receptors. These receptors have a unique and…

Structure and function of the gap junctions

Lead Institution
Portland State University
Principal Investigator
Steve Reichow
The gap junctions are a class of membrane channel proteins that form direct pathways for cell-to-cell communication. Dynamic mechanisms of channel gating are required to control these communication…

Structure and mechanism of neurotransmitter-gated ion channels

Lead Institution
Oregon Health & Science University
Principal Investigator
Eric Gouaux
The objectives of this research are to elucidate the structures of mammalian neurotransmitter receptors by single particle cryo-EM in multiple distinct conformational states in which the receptors…

Cryo-EM studies of the human biogenic amine transporters

Lead Institution
Oregon Health & Science University
Principal Investigator
Eric Gouaux
The aims of the proposed research are to elucidate the first structure of the human dopamine transporter (hDAT) as well as to determine multiple structures of the human serotonin transporter (hSERT)…

Structural basis for biological force sensations

Lead Institution
University of California, Berkeley
Principal Investigator
Stephen Brohawn
The goal of this proposal is to understand how cells sense and respond to physical stimuli. The ability to detect physical forces underlies classic mechanosensations like hearing and less conspicuous…

Architecture of native protocadherin-15 in complex with LHFPL5

Lead Institution
Oregon Health & Science University
Principal Investigator
Eric Gouaux
Mechanotransduction machinery located at the tips of hair bundles in the inner ear are responsible for our sensations of movement and sound. Each bundle is composed of stereocilia that are connected…

Decommissioning of protein phosphatase 2A holoenzymes

Lead Institution
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Principal Investigator
Yongna Xing
Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) is a major tumor suppressor and plays a critical role in many essential cellular processes via formation of diverse heterotrimeric holoenzymes. Each holoenzyme contains…

CryoEM Studies of AAV Rep-DNA complexes underlying AAV life cycle.

Lead Institution
Virginia Commonwealth University
Principal Investigator
Carlos Escalante
Adeno-associated virus (AAV) non-structural Rep proteins carry out all DNA transactions that regulate the AAV life cycle. They share two multifunctional domains: an N-terminal origin binding/nicking…

Structure and activation mechanism of TMEM206

Lead Institution
Oregon Health & Science University
Principal Investigator
Eric Gouaux
Proton activated channels are ion-permeable channels that are rapidly activated by extracellular acidification. With their activation levels falling well below physiological pH, these channels…

Structural Mechanisms of Renal Sensory and Transport Proteins

Lead Institution
University of Utah
Principal Investigator
Erhu Cao
The kidneys regulate blood composition, pressure, and volume, balance electrolytes and acid-base, and reabsorb most salts and nutrients from the initial renal filtrate while excreting metabolic…

Structural Basis of Voltage-Gating in Eukaryotic Potassium Channels

Lead Institution
University of Chicago
Principal Investigator
Eduardo Perozo
Voltage-gated potassium (Kv) channels determine the resting membrane potential in eukaryotic cells, and thus control cellular excitability, cell volume and cell division. Aberrant potassium channel…

Structural Mechanism of Jordan's Syndrome

Lead Institution
University of Wisconsin, Madison
Principal Investigator
Yongna Xing
Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) is an essential and major serine/threonine phosphatase in all eukaryotic cells, and regulates multiple cellular processes and signaling events. Deregulation of PP2A and…

Atomic Structure of the Nuclear Pore Complex

Lead Institution
California Institute of Technology
Principal Investigator
Andre Hoelz
The nuclear pore complex (NPC) is the sole gateway for the transport of macromolecules between the nucleus and cytoplasm. NPCs are large (~120 MDa in humans) macromolecular assemblies embedded in the…

Cryo-EM structure determination of the laminin polymer node

Lead Institution
Rutgers University
Principal Investigator
Arek Kulczyk
Laminins (Lms) are heterotrimeric glycoproteins required for the assembly of basement membranes (BMs) and are involved in embryonic differentiation, tissue maintenance and wound repair. Defective Lms…

Mechanistic elucidation of inflammasome biology

Lead Institution
Boston Children's Hospital
Principal Investigator
Hao Wu
Innate immunity comprises ancient and evolutionarily conserved biological pathways that are imperative for the recognition of pathogens and endogenous damage. One such major signaling pathway…

Toward the visualization of NHEJ DNA repair machineries by cryo-EM

Lead Institution
Northwestern University
Principal Investigator
Yuan He
Among all different types of DNA damages, double strand breaks (DSBs) are viewed as the most toxic ones that lead to genome instability. Non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) pathway, in which the two…

Cryo-EM of the disease mutant p97 bound with its cofactor p47

Lead Institution
Arizona State University
Principal Investigator
Po-Lin Chiu
Mutation in p97/VCP (valosin-containing protein), an ATPase associated with diverse cellular activities, has been implicated in IBMPFD/ALS, which currently does not have an effective medical…

Elucidating HIV-1 capsid interactions with host cofactors

Lead Institution
Yale University
Principal Investigator
Yong Xiong
Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) infection is a global epidemic. Between the point of entry into the cell and integration of the HIV-1 genome into the host genome, the virus encounters…