Technology development in support of NCRR
EMSL Project ID
The Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) has built a facility that already stands at the forefront of proteomic research. Moreover, the Center is uniquely poised for future developments. We plan to leverage the existing facilities and capabilities, and to extend the technology and expertise, by establishing a P41 Research Resource for the NIH-supported biomedical research community. We will develop new proteomic technologies for collaborative research and provide proteomics services and technology dissemination and training across the spectrum of proteomic methods, instrumentation and informatics areas. The facility will: (1) develop, integrate, and apply new analytical technologies; (2) develop and deploy the requisite, sophisticated computational and informatics tools for rapid, quantitative, and comprehensive proteomic measurements required for biomedical research; and (3) disseminate and propagate these technologies.
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Related Publications
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Marginean I, RT Kelly, DC Prior, BL Lamarche, K Tang, and RD Smith. 2008. "Analytical Characterization of the Electrospray Ion Source in the Nanoflow Regime." Analytical Chemistry 80(17):6573-6579. doi:10.1021/ac800683s
Marginean I, RT Kelly, RJ Moore, DC Prior, BL Lamarche, K Tang, and RD Smith. 2009. "Selection of the Optimum Electrospray Voltage for Gradient Elution LC-MS Measurements." Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 20(4):682-688.
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Shvartsburg AA, DC Prior, K Tang, and RD Smith. 2010. "High-Resolution Differential Ion Mobility Separations Using Planar Analyzers at Elevated Dispersion Fields." Analytical Chemistry 82(18):7649-7655. doi:10.1021/ac101413k
Shvartsburg AA, K Tang, and RD Smith. 2010. "Differential Ion Mobility Separations of Peptides with Resolving Power Exceeding 50." Analytical Chemistry 82(1):32-35. doi:10.1021/ac902133n