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EDRN Biomarker Reference and Resource Center with the Department of Energy

EMSL Project ID


The purpose of the Early Detection Research Network (EDRN) Biomarker Reference and Resource Center (BRRC) is to develop a multiplex quantitative MS-based method, based on LC-SRM-MS for simultaneous detection of ~50 prostate cancer biomarkers in tissue and body fluids; to conduct analytical and clinical validation studies, in collaboration with EDRN investigators; to estimate the utility of the developed assay(s) for early detection and diagnosis of prostate cancer; and to develop identical multiplex quantitative detection of biomarkers in additional cancers, pancreas and breast.

Project Details

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Principal Investigator

Tao Liu
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Team Members

Thomas Fillmore
Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory

Tujin Shi
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Fang Xie
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Mahmud Hossain
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Weijun Qian
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

David Camp
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Karin Rodland
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Related Publications

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Liu T, M Hossain, AA Schepmoes, TL Fillmore, LJ Sokoll, SR Kronewitter, G Izmirlian, T Shi, W Qian, R Leach, IM Thompson, DW Chan, RD Smith, J Kagan, S Srinivastava, KD Rodland, and DG Camp, II. 2012. "Analysis of Serum Total and Free PSA Using Immunoaffinity Depletion Coupled to SRM: Correlation with Clinical Immunoassay Tests." Journal of Proteomics. doi:doi: 10.1016/j.jprot.2012.09.035 [In Press]
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Shi T, TL Fillmore, X Sun, R Zhao, AA Schepmoes, M Hossain, F Xie, S Wu, JS Kim, NJ Jones, RJ Moore, L Pasa-Tolic, J Kagan, KD Rodland, T Liu, K Tang, DG Camp, II, RD Smith, and W Qian. 2012. "Antibody-free, targeted mass-spectrometric approach for quantification of proteins at low picogram per milliliter levels in human plasma/serum." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 109(38):15395-15400. doi:10.1073/pnas.1204366109
Shi T, TL Fillmore, Y Gao, R Zhao, J He, AA Schepmoes, CD Nicora, C Wu, JL Chambers, RJ Moore, J Kagan, S Srivastava, KD Rodland, T Liu, DG Camp, II, RD Smith, and W Qian. 2013. "Long-Gradient Separations Coupled with Selected Reaction Monitoring for Highly Sensitive, Large Scale Targeted Protein Quantification in a Single Analysis." Analytical Chemistry 85(19):9196-9203. doi:10.1021/ac402105s
Targeted quantification of low ng/mL level proteins in human serum without immunoaffinity depletion. Shi T, Sun X, Gao Y, Fillmore TL, Schepmoes AA, Zhao R, He J, Moore RJ, Kagan J, Rodland KD, Liu T, Liu AY, Smith RD, Tang K, Camp DG 2nd, Qian WJ. J Proteome Res. 2013 Jul 5;12(7):3353-61. doi: 10.1021/pr400178v. Epub 2013 Jun 13. PMID: 23763644