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Kyle Pomraning

Pacific Northwest National Laboratory


Agile Biofoundry FY24-25

Lead Institution
Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Nathalie Munoz Munoz
This proposed EMSL Staff time proposal assists the DOE-EERE-BETO supported PNNL project: FY24-25 seven-national laboratory Agile BioFoundry ( PNNL’s effort for this…

Yarrowia lipolytica for biotechnology and synthetic biology

Lead Institution
Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Scott Baker
The team at PNNL is using a combination of flow cytometry, microscopy and lipidomics to establish baseline cell biological and metabolite data on lipid production by the W29 strain of Yarrowia…

Yarrowia lipolytica for biotechnology and synthetic biology

Lead Institution
Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory
Principal Investigator
Erin Bredeweg
The team at PNNL is using a combination of flow cytometry, microscopy and lipidomics/metabolomics to establish baseline cell biological and metabolite data on DNA agility in eukaryotic organisms, and…

Decreasing the amount of material required for gross biological carbon and nitrogen flux measurements by more than 12 orders of magnitude using ion implantation isotope dilution and stable isotope measurements by NanoSIMS

Lead Institution
Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory
Principal Investigator
John Cliff
Advances in mass spectrometry coupled to stable isotope probing techniques have profoundly influenced our understanding of process level biology and biogeochemistry. When stable isotope compounds and…