Extracellular Research Thrust for EMSL SSA
EMSL Project ID
This project will develop a conceptual framework that defines the biotic and abiotic mechanisms regulating the persistence of mineral associated organic matter (OM). The specific goals are to identify and characterize dominant OM interactions between model organic molecules and selected minerals to explain the behavior of organic chemicals in soil within a general mechanistic framework, and to visualize and characterize microbial residues on mineral surfaces by micro-and nano-scale chemical imaging. The molecular details of how plant and microbially derived molecules associate with mineral surfaces under various environmental conditions remains a grand challenge which is addressed in the current proposal.
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Boiteau R.M., R.K. Kukkadapu, J.B. Cliff, C.R. Smallwood, L. Kovarik, M.G. Wirth, and M.H. Engelhard, et al. 2020. "Calcareous organic matter coatings sequester siderophores in alkaline soils." Science of the Total Environment 724. PNNL-SA-147851. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.138250